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全能性和多能性鉴定。Identification of totipotency and pluripotency.

受精卵就是一个全能细胞的例子。So a fertilized egg is an example of totipotency.

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因此我们把细胞全能性学说看作是细胞工程的理论基础。So plant cell totipotency is the fundamental basis for cell engineering.

动物细胞在胚胎发育的较早阶段便失去了其全能性。Animal cells lose their totipotency at an early stage in embryonic development.

细胞全能性学说认为,植物的细胞具有发育为胚胎和植株的潜能。In cell totipotency , cells of plant have the potential to develop into embryos and plants.

一个细胞创造了一个完整的人体所以受精卵就是一种全能性干细胞。That one cell can create an entire person. So a fertilized egg is an example of totipotency.

生活细胞具有的能发育成为各种组织并进一步形成整个生物体的潜力。Totipotency The ability shown by many living cells to form all the types of tissues that constitute the mature organism.

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本文就植物细胞全能性基础理论方面的研究以及在生产实践中的应用作了比较系统的总结。The great progress has been made in the field of plant tissue culture based on the development of the plant cell totipotency.

随后卵裂时期胚胎的基因表达模式将建立一种全能性,这对进一步发育是必需的。The ensuing gene expression profile in the cleavage-stage embryo establishes totipotency and is required for further development.

胚胎分割是研究细胞分化、早期胚胎发育、胚胎细胞全能性的有力手段。Embryo bisection is a powerful means in the study of cell differentiation, early embryonic development and the totipotency of embryo cell.

本研究是以植物起源于海洋的系统进化理论和植物细胞的全能性理论为依据的。This work was based on one of the plant systematic evaluation hypotheses that the freshwater plants originated from the ocean and the theory of plant cell totipotency.

许多植物细胞有再生性,就是说每个细胞都携带使父植物重新生长的完整的基因信息。Many plant cells have the property of totipotency , that is, each cell carries in the genome the complete information required to give rise to an exact copy of the parent plant.