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什么是天主事工会?What is Opus Dei?

第232号作品,西班牙诗篇,第4。Cantos de Espana, Opus 232. No 4

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她蔑视天主事工会!She scorned the work of Opus Dei!

这位提琴家演奏他自己的第十六号乐曲。The violinist played his own opus , No. 16.

我叫塞拉斯,是天主事工会的成员。“”My name is Silas. I am an Opus Dei numerary.

这部巨著历时十年方始告成。This magnum opus took ten years to complete.

他的最新作品是一部关于哲学的巨著。His latest offering is a magnum opus on philosophy.

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今天下午,我去了预先筛选的作品。This afternoon I went to a pre-screening of The Opus.

谢谢。我叫塞拉斯,是天主事工会的成员。Thank you. My name is Silas. I am an Opus Dei numerary.

最棒的是作品18号,“大华丽圆舞曲”。The most wonderful is Opus 18th the "Great Brilliant Waltz".

反击式破碎机是我公司的技术代表作。PF-1214 impact crusher is our company's technical magnum opus.

宋体第9号交响曲E小调,第95号曲目,”来自新世界德沃夏克。Symphony Nr. 9 in E-minor, opus 95, "From the New World" Dvorák.

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这个神秘的天主事工会的僧侣另有所图。The mysterious Opus Dei monk had come to Saint-Sulpice for another purpose.

对不起,你是说这个天主事工会客人等天亮也等不及?I'm sorry, you say this visiting Opus Dei numerary cannot wait until morning?

五牛图卷是中国美术史上以牛为题材的绘画代表作品。It is a magnum opus painting that takes ox as the theme in Chinese art history.

他知道为信守天主事工会教义,他牺牲了许多东西,但他得到的回报更多。He knew he had sacrificed much to follow Opus Dei, but he had received much more in return.

桑德琳嬷嬷知道,她永远也无法理解天主事工会的宗教礼仪。The rituals of Opus Dei, Sister Sandrine knew, were not something she would ever understand.

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反应过来了吗?这是美国式幽默对烂片糟蹋沙翁的评价。It is the comment of the trash film befool the Shakepeare's opus in the American's humorous way.

其首创的书,古德尔的483页的巨著,是如何获得的百科全书,拍成电影。The first book of its kind, Goodell's 483-page opus is the encyclopedia of how to get a film made.

这个矿物持续穿过大厅的地板,就像实心石块一样摆放在卢塞恩的石英岩上。This minerality is continued through to the hall floor, in Lucerne quartzite laid as opus incertum.