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鸡去掉内脏,洗净,飞水,沥乾水份。Discard the innards of the chicken. Rinse well. Scald and drain.

所以它们的内脏确实是滑到了嗓子眼,但是这种滑动是可控制的。So, their innards do slide into their throat, but it’s a controlled glide.

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可访问性工作的内部情况可能很多读者都不了解。The innards of accessibility work are probably not well known by many readers.

当你消化碳水化合物时,这个过程使你的内脏变为略呈酸性。When you digest carbohydrates, the process turns your innards slightly acidic.

下面请亲密接触你内脏这15个令人惊奇的三维人体扫描。Get up close and personal with your innards with these 15 amazing 3D-body shots.

他像外科医生研究患者内脏似地把目光集中在这些石头上。His eyes are fixed on the stones like a surgeon studying the innards of a patient.

当翻滚的波浪前进到深水岛时,他吹到内脏开始流血。When the tumbling wave had drawn even with Deepwater Isle, he blew till his innards bled.

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照片中所有的外星人内脏,其实是羊脑,木莓酱和鸡肠。All the alien innards in the film were actually sheep brains, raspberry jam and chicken entrails.

兰多驾驶千年隼飞进死星内部扭曲狭窄的通道。Lando, aboard the Falcon, flew point into the twisting narrow corridors of the Death Star's innards.

他说,广州人饮食丰富,人们常摄入滋补汤、海鲜和动物内脏。He said Guangzhou's citizens have a rich diet, including nourishing soups, seafood and animal innards.

它激活物质的内部化学构造,使它们的分子震动,然后碰撞在一起。It roils the chemical innards of things, exciting their molecules to vibrate and crash into each other.

1907年,虫漆已被广泛用于早期电子产品的内部元件绝缘,例如半导体和电话。In1907, shellac was commonly used to insulate the innards of earlyelectronics—think radios and telephones.

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在这种情况下,我们的内脏就不会像我们祖先那样被很好地支撑住。In this new position, our innards were not as well supported as they had been in our quadrupedal ancestors.

相反地,答案是递归地在当前语境中,基于用例步骤重新应用。The answer instead is to recursively re-apply a use case-based approach to the innards of your current context.

在计算机电子内脏的深处,蛀虫的尸体躺在两个电子继电器之间,被击的粉碎。Buried deep inside its electronic innards , crushed between two electric relays, lay the body of a moth. These days.

人称“黄貂鱼”的装置使用军队常见的炸药产生足以切开金属炸弹的水锋直捣其内。Known as the Stingray, the technology uses a high velocity jet of water to cut through metal and scramble bomb innards.

但这项固墨技术的重要突破来自于打印机内部结构的整个简化。But the principal breakthrough with the solid ink technology stems from the overall simplicity of the machine’s innards.

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我知道很多外国人想到要吃内脏和肠子就害怕,但我确信你会喜欢吃的!I know that a lot of foreigners cringe at the idea of munching on innards and entrails, but I'm sure that you'll enjoy it!

当时,沃尔特斯并不知道,他头颅里的一个肉质血凝块会改变自己的生活,使它向好的方向转变。Walters didn't know it at the time, but a blood clot in the fleshy innards of his skull would change his life -- for the better.

收割傀儡看起来像是一个简单的稻草人,但工匠必须用昂贵的粉末和草药填充它的内脏。A harvest golem seems a simple scarecrow, but a crafter must lace its innards with sachets of expensive powders and ground herbs.