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厂商中立。Vendor neutrality.

电中性原则不允许这样。Charge neutrality won't allow for it.

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有的国家宣布中立。Some of the nations declared neutrality.

这种医疗中立绝对不能妥协。This medical neutrality must never be compromised.

我注意到他不露声色的注视背后藏着深深的厌倦。I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.

国际事务中保持中立或不结盟的政策。A policy of neutrality or nonalignment in international affairs.

但是能保证这些材料是中立和客观的吗?But is there a guarantee for the sources neutrality and objectivity?

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第二,坚持国际调解的中立和公正。Second, upholding neutrality and justice in international mediation.

网络中立的概念起源于电话业务。The concept of network neutrality originated with the phone business.

非中立、非冷漠的某种形式的自足自乐?Some form of self-sufficiency that avoids neutrality and indifference?

中立政策,那样的话,一些社会政策。The neutrality policy and things like that, some of the social policies.

这可能是由于碳原子的电中性造成的。This is possible because of the electrical neutrality of the carbon atom.

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二是要在救济制度的规则方面强调裁判机构的中立性。Second, to pay more attention to the neutrality of the adjudicatory agency.

面对这样一个敌人,谁都不可能不受其害,也不可能保持中立。Against such an enemy, there is no immunity, and there can be no neutrality.

在整个中立期间,和平的希望时起时伏。Hope for peace ebbed and flowed all during the period of American neutrality.

瑞士的中立政策,曾任职它将通过两次世界大战。Switzerland's policy of neutrality has served it will through two world wars.

战争中表面上所采取的中立态度开始有点露馅了。Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran-Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.

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虽然我是一名独立的作家,但并不能保证中立性问题。Having an independent author does not sufficiently solve questions of neutrality.

例如,如何采用标准来提供某种形式的平台中立性呢?For instance, how are standards employed to provide some form of platform neutrality?

十二月初,会议拟就了一份关于老挝中立宣言的草案。By early December the conference completed a draft Decleration on the Neutrality of Laos.