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我向主哭泣。I cried to God.

那夜我哭了。I cried that night.

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是的,我曾为你哭泣。I've cried over you.

那只狼也叫了一声。The wolf cried back.

他为了她而哭泣。He had cried for her.

“嗬哎!”小姑娘叫了一声。"Hoy! " cried the girl.

他们在向小耗子大声地嘲笑道。they cried in derision.

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迈克尔淘气地喊。Michael cried naughtily.

她在我的怀里大声哭泣。She cried into my chest.

她尖叫,她哭泣。She screamed. She cried.

她一哭就在柳树下。She cried under a willow.

青鱼头大声说。cried the herring’s head.

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是的,女裁缝喊道。Yes, cried the seamstress.

黛拉仍然每天哭着。Della still cried everyday.

她的宝宝因吸不出奶大哭起来。Her baby cried for sucking.

我跑回自己的房间哭了起来。I ran to my room and cried.

这才是爱啊!"That is love!" cried Alan.

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太太不耐烦地嚷起来了。cried his wife impatiently.

老制篮商哭了起来。cried the old basket-maker.

我哭,我吼,我闹。I howled. I yowled. I cried.