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大气调节包括碳固定和氧气释放。Gas regulation is by both carbon sequestration and oxygen supply.

其中,抑制转运和隔离到液胞较为合理。Inhibited transport and sequestration to the vacuoles were reasonable.

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研究还显示了哪一种农业方式对于碳汇最有利。It also revealed which farming methods are best for carbon sequestration.

声称免耕提高土壤中的碳固化完全是误导。Claims that no-till increases carbon sequestration in soils are misleading.

这是减少血小板的隔离与破坏这么简单的一个问题。It is simply a matter of decreasing sequestration and destruction of platelet.

固碳是否会成为现实也将成为一个政治问题。Whether carbon sequestration will become a reality will also be an issue of politics.

在这场对决中,财政鹰派可能会成功抽身而退,而强硬派则不能。Within this battle, the fiscal hawks are OK with sequestration. The hawkish hawks are not.

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他说,固碳应该成为与气候变化作斗争的众多方法之一。Schrag says that carbon sequestration should be one of several ways to combat climate change.

如果发生这种情况,就需要新井和新管道来继续固碳工程。If this happens, new wells and pipelines would be required to continue the sequestration project.

森林的环境服务功能——诸如碳扣押和制造水——具有明显的益处。Forests' environmental services such as carbon sequestration or water production have clear benefits.

估算方法的研究属于森林碳汇量定量研究的一个中间环节。The estimation method study is of a intermediate link of quantitative forest carbon sequestration study.

麦克林作结论说,“我们要权衡的事情是,资源保护和碳封存是否兼容?”“Those are things we have to balance, ” McLing concludes. “Are conservation and sequestration compatible?”

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海草的减少导致了农业的减产、二氧化碳增加以及海岸区域营养循环的减缓。Seagrass losses decrease primary production, carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in the coastal zone.

肺隔离是罕见的先天或后天性下呼吸道畸形。Bronchopulmonary sequestration is a rare congenital or acquired malformation of the lower respiratory tract.

如果生物炭所起的清除作用被肯定是合理的,接下来的问题就是如何恰到好处地实现它。And if sequestration by biochar is deemed sensible, there remains the question of how, exactly, to go about it.

英国正在考虑将捕获的碳封存到北海油田采空石油后留下的空洞中。Britain is considering sequestration of carbon in cavities under the North Sea bed that have been emptied of oil.

官方表示自2011年起国会预算的削减或者说所谓的封存也有所影响。The congressionally mandated budget cuts known as sequestration have also been felt on the waterfront since 2011.

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另外,这些森林对确保淡水和生态系统中的碳截存活动起着关键作用。In addition, these forests play an essential role in ensuring fresh water and carbon sequestration in the ecosystem.

在城市土地利用类型中乔木碳吸收是野外相同年龄乔木的5倍甚至更多。The carbon sequestration of the trees within Hangzhou was 5-fold or more of the equivalent age trees out of the city.

他也认为红杉是“吸碳的明星”,生长快并在生长过程中摄取碳。And he agreed that the redwoods were “carbon sequestration superstars,” growing fast and soaking up carbon as they do.