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他无助的比划着。He gestured helplessly.

男孩无望地耸了耸肩膀。The Boy shrugged helplessly.

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男人无望地耸了耸肩。The Man shrugged helplessly.

留不住你无奈何。Helplessly cant keep you here.

那艘船孤零无依地漂泊了一阵子。The ship drifted helplessly for a time.

我看到我的妹妹无助地躺在地上。I looked at my sister lying there helplessly.

恋爱得无力自拔的朋友。Ribbing a friend for being helplessly in love.

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唐天佑颇有些无奈的说道。Tang Tian blesses to have some helplessly say.

大海中无力地颠簸行驶。The boat wallowed helplessly in the stormy sea.

那艘船在波浪滔滔的大海中无力地颠簸行驶。The boat wallowed helplessly in the stormy sea.

浪花无助地粉碎在两边船舷。Waves break helplessly against the boat each side.

但我已经无助地现在观看她的自已毒化。But now I have to watch helplessly her self-poisoning.

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其中华侨城负责人无奈地告诉记者。One OCT person in charge told the reporter helplessly.

“西旦村怎么走?”他无助地问道。How do youget to West Egg village?” he asked helplessly.

在人群无助地观望中那座旧建筑物烧毁了。The old building burned down as crowds watched helplessly.

就象天空和大海,永远对视,无望地守候。Like the sky and the sea, always on the TV, waiting helplessly.

猫高声告诉树下无奈的老虎。The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly.

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车的前盖向上支着,米歇尔和特蕾西站在车旁,一副无能为力的样子。Both Michelle and Tracey stood helplessly by cars with their hoods up.

罗森博格无助地盯着接踵而来的那幕令人激愤难平的场景。Rosenberg stared helplessly at the implacable sequence that came next.

船儿无助地顺着排水沟漂流直到有人看见他。The boat drifted helplessly along the drain until some people saw him.