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于是这给予你需要聪明知晓的资料。This then gives you the data needed to proceed knowledgeably.

演讲者头头是地道论述了一系列问题。The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects.

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他们还用棍子吃饭,你们要知道。“父亲还饶有见地地补上一句。"And they eat it with sticks, you know, " he added knowledgeably.

卡斯帕对欧洲农业状况发表了一番颇有见地的见解。Kaspar had spoken knowledgeably about the state of agriculture in Europe.

你要准备好针对你申请职位的要求谈出你的学识来。You should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position you are applying for.

因为这将帮助CRA了解事情发生的原委,并能头脑清晰的参与到新药开发的过程中去。This will help the CRA understand why things happen as they do, and to participate knowledgeably in the process.

获得那些能使你在面试时谈吐内容专业、带来有价值洞察力的战略信息。Acquire strategic information that will enable you to speak knowledgeably and offer valuable insight during your interview.

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如果你能写一个课题,是你的激情知情,热情是要来传达给你的读者。If you can write knowledgeably about a subject that is a passion of yours, the enthusiasm is going to come across to your readers.

她花了一整页来描写自己少年时对“好莱坞浪漫世界”的痴迷,旁征博引谈论着自己喜爱影片。She devotes a whole page to her adolescent immersion in "the romantic world of Hollywood", discoursing knowledgeably on her favorite films.

他看到效率不高的事情,就会想通过什么技术把事情做得聪明一些。He sees the thing with not tall efficiency, cross what technology to do the business a few more knowledgeably with respect to meeting be enlightened.

不过还是强烈要求在已经变得小小的卫生间里,装上一个淋浴龙头,她聪明地预见到自己不可能天天奢侈地泡在浴缸里。Do not pass or ask strongly to be in the toilet that has become small, mount bibcock of a shower, she sees she is impossible knowledgeably beforehand every day high bubble is in bath crock.