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在伦敦必坐有轨电车。Streetcar is a must-ride in London.

有轨电车开过一站又一站。The streetcar passed one stop after another.

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他搭上了去布郎克斯他家的有轨电车。He caught the streetcar to his home in Bronx.

当我走到一半的路程时,那辆电车经过了我。When I was halfway there, the streetcar passed me.

坐公共汽车或电车去那里,哪种较好?Which is better,to go there by bus or by streetcar?

要想廓清场地,纽伦堡电车总站必须迁移。To clear ground, the Nuremberg streetcar depot had to be removed.

就在当天晚上,他被发现在电车轨道上流血致死。That night, he was found bleeding to death on the streetcar tracks.

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穷小子在1929年新奥尔良公车罢工期间得名。The poor boy was named during a streetcar strike in New Orleans in 1929.

您要如何将街车专用道延伸至湖泊上?当然只能透过汽船来完成这项任务。How can you extend a streetcar line onto a lake? With a steamboat, of course.

电车上的人和零散的路人奋力把那个女人解救出来。The people on the streetcar and scattered passersby worked to free the woman.

接着我看到一辆燃烧的电车正停在神谷町的拐角。Then, I saw a burnt streetcar which had just turned the corner at Kamiya-cho.

我在倾盆大雨中下了车,感激不尽地那把伞遮雨。I got off the streetcar in a downpour and thankfully opened the umbrella to protect myself.

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她穿着制服上衣和裙子,我明白她原来是有轨电车检票员。She was wearing a uniform jacket and skirt, and I realized that she was streetcar conductor.

2010年1月1日,上海首条现代化有轨电车线路在该市开始运营。Shanghai's first modern streetcar line begins operation in the east China city on January 1, 2010.

站在电车站,聆听着鸟鸣,观望着旭日像梦醒时分似的冉冉升起。Standing at the streetcar stop, hearing the birds and watching the sun come up was like an awakening.

对有轨电车的撞击使那个老人的头撞在一个座椅横档上,也撞得恩佐双膝跪在地上。The jolt to the streetcar knocked the old man's head against a seat rail and drove Enzo to his knees.

这个地区附近沿着华盛顿电车规划的第一阶段线路,它的发展将会被电车计划带动。This is a gradually gentrifying neighborhood that is Stage 1 in Washington's planned streetcar route.

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一辆旧式橘色街车驶进公交车站,那女人跳了上去,凯伦就在她身后。A vintage orange streetcar pulled up to the bus stop, and the woman jumped aboard, Karen right behind.

在离开时她告诉我,电车常常是空的,回程时才上满人。On the way out, she`d told me, the streetcar was often empty. It only filled up on the return journey.

在有轨电车管理大楼里,我一直找到人事部。In the administration building of the streetcar company, I talked my way through to the personnel department.