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棒约翰?Papa John's?

你去哪里,爸爸?Where to papa?

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我把它拿给爸爸看。I showed it to Papa.

你是个好爸爸。You are a good papa.

爸爸和我也一样。Papa and I will, too.

我怎么去爱爸爸呢?How am I to love papa?

爸爸拿了个小碗。Papa gets a small bowl.

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说得好佩妮爸。Well said Penny’s papa.

爸爸是不会轻饶你的。Papa will not spare you.

陈爸爸生日快乐!Happy Birthday Papa Chan!

你为什么不知道啊,爸爸?Why don't you know, papa?

爸爸朝萨米望了一眼。Papa looked over at Samie.

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把三明治给我吧,爸爸。Give me the sandwich, Papa.

爸爸买了一件小的游泳衣。Papa sits on the small seat.

把他放到地窖里去吧,爸爸。Put him in the cellar, papa.

爸爸做了一个很漂亮的大玩具箱。Papa makes a fine big toy box.

爸爸和汤姆正在吃晚饭。Papa and Tom are having dinner.

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星期日,爸爸的休息日,我们会去那里。We go on Sundays, Papa"s day off.

爸爸教我如何给猎物剥皮。Papa showed me how to skin my game.

我的名字叫小老头,我很老。My name's little Papa. I'm very old.