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且骨陷窝空虚率随用药时间的延长而增加。The rate of the empty lacuna increased with the time of experiment.

目的分析腔隙性脑梗塞在临床中的表现。Objective We analysis the clinical significance of lacuna encephalon infarction.

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目的分析腔隙性脑梗死的临床特点。Objective The clinical characteristics of lacuna encephalon infarction was analysis.

铸造缺陷、杂质元素偏聚和夹杂物的存在是形成早期裂纹源的原因。Reasons of forming first cracks were foundry lacuna , impurity gathering, lard exiting.

空缺理论是俄罗斯心理语言学空缺理论流派的研究成果。Lacuna theory was originally developed by the school of Russian ethno-psycholinguistics.

在创新的显微镜技术下,摄影速度和解析度的缺口正在缩小。And with new innovations in microscope technology, the lacuna between imaging speed and resolution continues to narrow.

用光合成的方法得到了两个混合价的缺位磷钨杂多化合物,其缺位分别位于“带”和“帽”的位置。Two mixed-valence lacunary tungstodiphosphates with the lacuna located in "belt" and "cap" positions were photosynthesized.

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这些小动脉闭塞后,可引起多个大小不同的脑软化灶,最后形成大大小小的腔隙。These small artery occlusion, may risetosofteningofmany different sizes of brain lesions, resulting eventually in largeandsmall lacuna.

采用X射线探伤、电镜能谱等测试手段,对ZL101A铸造铝合金铸件断面上弥散分布的细小孔洞缺陷进行分析。By X-ray detector, Electronic microscope and energy pedigree instrument, the dispersion lacuna in ZL101A aluminium alloy cast was analyzed.

这个工具是某件缺口的东西。就在这个缺口,主体建立某种客体的功用,作为失落的客体。This apparatus is something lacunary, and it is in the lacuna that the subject establishes the function of a certain object, qua lost object.

本文旨在透过“建筑空缺”这一现象,探讨在历史环境中进行建筑创作的一些基本问题。Through the phenomenon of "architectural lacuna", this thesis aims to study on some basic issues of new architectural design in a historical context.

由于不同文化之间的固有差异,在翻译过程中不可避免地会产生一些障碍,文化缺项就是其中之一。Owing to connaturally cultural difference, barriers are of great ineluctability in translation, in which cultural lacuna is one of the most knotty ones.

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结论脑桥梗死多数为腔隙性梗死,其临床表现与病灶部位及大小有关。Conclusion Pontine infarctions were mostly lacuna infarctions and their clinical manifestation was related to the position and size of infarction focuses.

萨克管钟形段成形比较困难,成形过程中对毛坯形状要求较为严格,否则会产生缺陷,影响音质。It is hard to form the bell part of saxophone, because the size of the blank need to be accurate in the process of punch forming, or there will be lacuna to effect timbre.

浮石混凝土在密实成型后,其凝结硬化过程中对于湿养护的敏感性较小,这有利于简化施工养护措施和减少早期混凝土缺陷的产生。Pumice concrete after being close-grained and molding is not sensitive to maintaining conditions, and this idiosyncrasy can predigest maintaining measures and reduce lacuna.

通过税收筹划节税是外商投资企业惯用的方式,但是,一些外商投资企业往往利用税法的空白或灰色地带打“擦边球”,滥用税收筹划。Tax planning is used frequently by foreign funded enterprises to save tax payout. however, some of them abuse tax planning, aiming at the lacuna and illegibility of tax laws.

人体软组织具有重要地位,软组织纤维化和增生、肥厚等多种原因能够使软组织发生相对运动障碍、张力增高、长度缩短、腔隙内压增高等改变。The fibrosis, hyperplasia, and hypertrophy of soft tissues can cause the change of soft tissue in relative motion disorder, tension increase, length shorten, lacuna pressure increase.

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结果内、外环骨板,骨单位,骨细胞的显微镜下的结构,人类与动物存在明显差别。Result There were the different histological characters between human bone and animal bone in the outer and inner circumferential lamellae, interstitial lamellae , osteons, bone lacuna.

其中之一便是一直杳无踪迹的来自白垩纪时期的保存良好的的羽毛化石。白垩纪处于一亿四千五百万年前到六千五百万年前之间,以恐龙的大规模灭绝为结束标志。One such lacuna has been the absence of well-preserved feathers from the Cretaceous—the period between 145m and 65m years ago that ended with the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.

由于管理观念落后、立法存在缺陷以及救济机制失范等诸多原因,高校对学生的管理权与学生受教育权的冲突日益增多。Because of the draggle of the administer conceptions , the lacuna of legislation and the defects of the remedy mechanism, the clash between the administration and educated rights is increasing.