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把药面均等称开。To scale medicinal powder.

这是为了医学用途。This is for medicinal purposes.

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向日葵是药材吗?Is helianthus a medicinal material?

人参的药用价值很高。Ginseng is of great medicinal value.

这种草药很难得。This medicinal herb is hard to come by.

但它们可能提供药用好处。But they may provide medicinal benefits.

苦味的酿制饮料是普遍的食补方法。Stewed brews are common medicinal dishes.

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果仁可以吃还可以入药。Gingko kernels can be a medicinal material.

夏枯草全株均具有一定的药用价值。All parts of P. vulgaris have medicinal value.

知道点药用菌,好比香菇和冬虫夏草。Learn about medicinal mushrooms like cordyceps.

标题中国伞形科药用植物概要。Outline of Umbelliferae medicinal plants in China.

晚宴著名的药膳。Enjoy the famous Medicinal Food for dinner tonight.

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但是强效的中药在治病的同时也可能带来危害。But strong medicinal herbs can harm as well as cure.

饮用药水前摇匀。Succuss the medicinal liquid evenly before drinking.

汤剂药物浸剂,比如加糖的大麦汤。A medicinal infusion, such as sweetened barley water.

仙草为中国传统的药用植物。Hsian-tsao is a traditional medicinal plant in China.

也是中国药食同源文化的典型体现。It is The Chinese Medicinal and Edible culture models.

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更不用说姜饼的药效了。Not to mention the medicinal qualities of gingerbread.

五味子属植物是我国传统的中药材。Schisandra is Chinese traditional medicinal materials.

黑木耳是一种营养丰富的食、药用真菌。Auricularia auricula is an edible and medicinal fungus.