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队长驱散了他们。The captain dispersed them.

风驱散了雾。The wind dispersed the fog.

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风吹散了烟雾。The wind dispersed the smoke.

然后警方开始释放毒气。Then the police dispersed gas.

财力分散。Financial resources are dispersed.

防暴警察驱散了人群。The riot police dispersed the crowd.

浓烟消散在天空了。The heavy smoke dispersed into the sky.

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云消雾散。The clouds dispersed and the fog lifted.

学校放寒假了。School dispersed for the winter vacation.

雇员们都分头度假去了。The employees dispersed for the holidays.

士兵们沿堤岸散开。The soldiers were dispersed along a bank.

警察用催泪毒气赶散暴乱者。Police dispersed the rioters with tear gas.

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当警察赶到时人群四下散去了。The crowd dispersed when the police arrived.

白天的热气随着黄昏的到来而消散。The hot day air dispersed with the evenfall.

种子被撒播在耕过的土地上。The seeds were dispersed on the plowed lands.

民兵被坦克和装甲运兵车的火力驱散。The militia was dispersed by tank and APC fire.

士兵们分散在广阔的战线上。The soldiers were dispersed along a wide front.

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天空中的乱云已消散。The tousled clouds have dispersed from the sky.

铊是一种稀有分散元素。Thallium is a rare hut widely dispersed element.

飞机在城市上空散发传单。The airplane dispersed the leaflets over the city.