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适应的才能活得好。Adapt and live comfortably.

这大衣穿上去很舒适呢。The coat wears comfortably.

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他帮她把披肩掖得更舒服了一些。He had tucked her in comfortably.

你能很舒服地换衣服吗?Can you change clothes comfortably?

她试着把它放得更舒服些。She tried to put it more comfortably.

我现在坐得很稳当,谢谢你。I’m resting comfortably now, thank you.

双脚舒服地放在地板上。Plant your feet comfortably on the floor.

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让自己舒适地坐着或躺着。Sit comfortably or lie down on your back.

要死得安安乐乐,得花一大笔钱哩。It costs a lot of money to die comfortably.

所以医生只需要舒服地坐在城市里。So the doctor is sitting comfortably in the city.

在MUJI买的衣服穿起来特别舒适。The clothing of MUJI is dressed very comfortably.

这个车能舒服地容纳六个人。This car will comfortably contain six passengers.

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享受收录音机之乐的要领。Tip for enjoying the radio comfortably are shown.

保持后背上部和颈部舒适挺直。Keep your upper back and neck comfortably straight.

事实上我们只需要很少的钱就能舒服的生活。We need very little to actually comfortably get by.

那条狗在屋角舒服地睡觉。The dog slept comfortably in the corner of the room.

他舒服地斜躺在沙发上看报。He reclined comfortably on a sofa reading a newspaper.

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这只长满绒毛的小鸟舒服地偎着妈妈。The downy little bird nestled comfortably to its mother.

大家都愿意自在地杀敌或舒舒服服地死去。They wish to be at ease to kill, and to die comfortably.

超薄的无声触摸按键使输入更加惬意。Type more comfortably with low-profile Quiet Touch keys.