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所谓历史,就是从原始人到原子弹的短途游。History is the short trudge from Adam to atom.

你们就这样坚忍无怨地蹒跚而行。Thus you trudge along, stoical, uncomplaining.

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他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home.

简单的放在一边继续你的下一个创意。Simply trudge through it and move onto your next idea.

最后,挑战者在抵达终点之前还要徒步行走一长段距离。Finally there is the last, long trudge to the finish line.

他经过艰苦的跋涉,终于找到了爱神伊洛斯。He trudge through hard and finally found the love in Iraq.

小伙心如刀绞。那一天他因送信人的一句恳求,顶风冒雪去走极危险的近路,为。The young man was heart-wretched. On that day, he chose to trudge a dangerous.

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他们会一路跋涉,遭遇路上不断出现的一系列障碍,直到筋疲力尽,倒在路上。They will trudge along, facing a growing set of roadblocks, until, exhausted, they collapse.

通常,在我们早上醒来,辛苦地投入工作的时候,希望我们做的一切都是向梦想迈进。So often, we wake up in the morning and trudge into work wishing we were doing anything else.

其他人员,则等在城镇的边缘随时准备着把已近虚脱的难民运往安全地带。Others waited on the edge of town to help exhausted refugees to trudge out of this valley of desolation.

瑞典哈拉市外的驯鹿在冬季牧地上步履艰难地穿过深深的雪地而找到它们的食物。The reindeer trudge through deep snow to find food in their winter grazing grounds outside Harrå, Sweden.

你可以知道你下山会比上山快一点,这个正的不错。This is very nice because you should be motoring at a faster pace downhill, compared to when you trudge uphill.

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当戴着蓝色口罩的士兵们用担架将废墟中的尸体抬出的时候,家长们止不住号啕大哭。Other parents wail as soldiers in blue masks trudge through the mud, hauling bodies from the rubble on stretchers.

直到有一天我开开了冰箱,发现已经空了,这才迫使我去家边得一排商店。Until one morning I opened the fridge and realized that it was empty, so I had to trudge to the row of shops nearby.

随着这些案件的艰难进展,政府将作出更多努力以确保过去的错误不会重演。As these legal cases trudge forward, broader efforts are being made to ensure that past mistakes will not be repeated.

毕竟我们没有这个福气,还是别发牢骚,挑起担子,像妈妈一样乐观地向前走吧。Well, we can't have it, so don't let us grumble but shoulder our bundles and trudge along as cheerfully as Marmee does.

我们渴望用脚踏实地的跋涉和坚持不懈的努力,与您一起托起一轮升腾的太阳。We are looking forward to create a promising future hand in hand with you through our surefooted trudge and unceasing efforts.

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假如你就是那种每周必须工作五天,这五天又必须按时上下班的人,这里有些建议给你,也许可以让你的日常工作少些压力,多些乐趣。Ifyou have to trudge into the office 9-5, 5 days a week, these are somesuggestions to make work less of a burden and more enjoyable.

当我刚刚能够歪歪趔趔地提着一个篮子跑路的时候,我就在大姐姐的身后拣麦穗了。When I was old enough to be running about on my own, I would trudge behind my elder sister to pick wheat, with a basket too on my arm.

您需要创新者和小心翼翼的记录保持者,也需要能够深入细节的编程者和能够把握宏观方向的编程者。You need innovators and meticulous record keepers. You need programmers who can trudge through details and those who can see the big picture.