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让鉴赏力不会有错的公理见鬼去吧.Poof goes the axiom that taste can't be wrong.

他走了过去,然后就嗖的一下子不见了。He walked through—and vanished. Poof ! Like that.

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现在她的头发只剩下白色的一撮,就象一顶帽子大小。Now it was just a white poof about the size of a cap.

我靠在椅背上,闭起双眼,「噗」一声,通过时光的隧道我就来到这里了。I lean back in my chair and close my eyes, then "poof", here I am.

他们走近、拥抱,然后噗的一下就在一道炫目的光亮中消失了。They approach, embrace, and poof ! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.

普夫有两个大脑,一个在头颅里,另一个在胸腔里。Poof had two brains, one located inside his skull and the other in his chest cavity.

平静地简单地拨掉了可乐机。扑地一声,火就灭了。With perfect calm, Ben simply unplugged the Coke machine. Poof. The fire went away. Ben.

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普夫是一个肢体细长的高个生物,瘦长的脖子上顶着一个灯泡似的脑袋。Poof was a tall being with spindly limbs and a long, slender neck which supported a bulbous head.

你可以准确地展示那些你希望展示的照片,而且你可以随时让它们消失。That's precisely the kind stuff you want to show off, while retaining the ability to make it go poof.

形成一层很难去除的,我们称之为生物被膜的东西,让你得喷头染上一层浅橘黄色。They form a hard to remove layer, known as a biofilm, that can give your poof a light orangish pink color.

弥留之际,普夫用原力压制住上古神器“沙之婴”的能量。With his dying breath, Poof used the Force to contain the power of the ancient artifact, the Infant of Saa.

藏在传统长袍里的是四条纤细的手臂,这为亚雷尔·普夫提供了非凡的灵活性。Hidden beneath his traditional robes were four delicate arms which granted Yarael Poof remarkably dexterity.

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你跟你的闺蜜们聚在一起,争论着他不给你打电话的原因——在他决定说出“八点钟我来接你”和“噗”的一下消失之间到底发生了什么事?You sit around with your girlfriends and debate why he didn't call you back. What happened in between "I'll pick you up at 8pm" and "poof?

我能想见一位疯狂的科学家为了不可思议的发现盘尼西林或者是彻底治愈普通感冒,而毫无理性地苦苦寻找一个终极疗法。I can visualize the mad scientist irrationally pursuing an obvious dead-end only to – poof – incredibly discover penicillin or a cure for the common cold.

浓密的头发常会让人苦恼,一方面是因为浓密的头发梳起某些发型来会不好看,另一方面,太密的头发很容易蓬松的像个小丑。Thick hair can be problematic both because certain hair styles don't look good with thicker hair and also because thick hair tends to "poof" out like clown hair.