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但是最近几年,电视动画片的收视率不断下降。But in recent years, TV cartoons have been declining in viewership.

鉴于市场的现实,奥斯卡可以做些什么来提高收视率呢?So, given the realities of the marketplace, what can the Oscars do to boost viewership?

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如果你没有提供给人们发言的地方,浏览社区就会像观看电视一样。If you don’t have a place for people to put their words, community devolves into viewership.

YouTube和TubeMogul都提供分析工具以帮助你评估观众和参与者。YouTube and TubeMogul both offer analytics tools that help you assess viewership and engagement.

我们只要看看每一次国情咨文电视讲话的收视率,我们只要回顾一下第一任期时的新生面孔比尔克林顿。Let’s look at the viewership for every SOTU going back to the beginning of Bill Clinton’s first term.

此外,该研究报告说,为增加收视,福克斯新闻增加对这些虚假的故事的浓墨重彩的宣传。In addition, the study said, increased viewership of Fox News led to increased belief in these false stories.

电视观众人数的下降已经给网络操作运营部门造成很大压力,尽量减少开支或者寻求其他的方法保持利润。A decline in viewership has put pressure on network news operations to curtail spending and find other ways to maintain profit.

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在春季观众流失后,一项测评显示秋季收视率相比于去年同期下降了10%。And after a spring audience exodus, network viewership compared with last fall is down as much as 10percent by one measurement.

由此可见,奥运会将会促使全世界的电视观众发生改变,使他们通过多种媒体渠道收看奥运会。Given the nature of the event, the Olympics will drive a lot of global viewership and it will be across multiple media channels.

在第一个实验里,95名女大学生被分别邀请到实验室参加一个关于电影的调查。In the first, 95 undergraduate women were individually invited to a lab ostensibly to participate in a study about movie viewership.

通常还有另外一个版本的说法就是奥斯卡颁奖礼的收视率仅次于超级碗、奥运会开幕式以及FIFA世界杯决赛比赛。The usual extension of this claim is that only the Super Bowl, Olympics Opening Ceremonies, and FIFA World Cup Final draw higher viewership.

由NBC和Fox公司开办的Hulu网因为提供众多在线收看的电视节目,2008年下半年网站访问量提高了57个百分点。Hulu, which was created by NBC and Fox, offers many TV shows online and had a 57 percent increase in viewership in the last six months of 2008.

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整个在线视频市场仍在增长,并且YouTube观众也在增加,但是Hulu的观众数从7月到10月几乎翻了一番。The overall market is still growing, and a lot of these viewers are heading to YouTube, but Hulu almost doubled its viewership from July to October.

同时在娱乐产业及教育系统内,也应避免为了追求收视率或达成政治宣传目的而刻意丑化歪曲外国人形象。And those in the entertainment industry and schools could avoid exploiting stereotypes of foreigners to enhance viewership or achieve political aims.

福克斯新闻网台醉于自己的宣传之中,并利用自己是唯一一家敢于反对总统的新闻机构而吸引收视率。Fox News is revelling in the publicity, using it to portray itself to a growing viewership as the only network prepared to stand up to the president.

虽然晚间新闻的观众比有线新闻网多很多,但网络新闻依然导致了长期性电视观众的减少。A long-term viewership decline continues for network news, although the evening news programs continue to have significantly more viewers than cable news networks.

尽管晚间新闻节目的观众还是比网络电视新闻的观众要多得多,不过其长期收看的人数仍持续下滑。A long-term viewership decline continues for network news, although the evening news programmes continue to have significantly more viewers than cable news networks.

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无线电视新闻的长期收看人数继续下滑,不过晚间新闻节目的观众还是比有线电视新闻的观众要多得多。A long-term viewership decline continues for network news, although the evening news programmes continue to have significantly more viewers than cable news networks.

除了有趣特别的节目,当电视回归生活中,我开始注意到最近极少的情况,就是电视在多大程度上让观众们变得被动了。What I started to notice about those newly rare occasions when the TV came back on, aside from their quaintness, was how much TV viewing actually promotes passivity in viewership.

相比其他付费有线的观众减少或是表现平平,Showtime的业绩却在2009底再创新高,签约人数从2007年底的1亿5千5百万跃升至1亿7千7百万。While other pay-cable networks have seen viewership decline or remain flat, Showtime hit an all-time high of 17.7 million subscribers at the end of 2009, up from 15.5 million in 2007.