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堡内还有滨海网球场和海边花园。There is also an oceanfront tennis court and coastal gardens.

令人兴奋的事上的海滨高尔夫球场埃尔斯完成。Thrill to the oceanfront finish on the Ernie Els golf course.

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佛罗伦萨,俄勒冈州的只有数英里的海滨酒店。It's the only oceanfront hotel in the Florence area for miles.

所有的客房都与不断变化的太平洋海滨景色。All rooms are oceanfront with spectacular views of the ever-changing Pacific Ocean.

享受时尚,现代的舒适性,抓住了一个海滨家居休闲韵味。Enjoy chic, contemporary comfort, capturing the casual sophistication of an oceanfront home.

热心的海滨旅游局提供地图,在风景秀丽景点郊游的建议和住宿信息。The very helpful oceanfront tourist office offers maps, good tips on scenic outings and lodging information.

与此同时,我们还将推出海边房和海边婚礼,让热爱自然的人能够更进一步亲近大海。We plan to launch oceanfront rooms and seaside wedding for lovers of nature who wish to come closer to the sea.

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一朵花瓣的小径的客人通过房间宽敞的海滨露台和宽敞的私人游泳池。A flower petal path leads guests through the spacious rooms to the oceanfront patios with spacious private pools.

我和家人喜欢白天到海滨,在那儿玩飞碟,打排球,一起野餐。My family and I enjoy taking day trips to the oceanfront where we play frisbee and volleyball, and have picnics together.

当然,要想俯瞰整个海滨美景,游船码头也是必不可少的。Of course what bachelor pad would be complete without a pool overlooking the oceanfront views, complete with a boat dock.

这栋三层的海滨别墅为游客提供遁世的良机,即使是与朋友或全家一起旅游。This tri-level oceanfront gem offers visitors a chance to get away, even when traveling with friends or the whole family.

许多房间夸阿卡普尔科湾,设有私人阳台印象享受惊人的海滨日落。Many rooms boast impressive views of the Acapulco Bay and feature private balconies to enjoy the breathtaking oceanfront sunsets.

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索撒尔将在他通风的,三居室的海滨别墅里自由自在地生活,拥有一个私人的小水池并且可以对周围的海岛一览无余。Southall will live for free in an airy, three-bedroom oceanfront villa with a private pool and sweeping views of the surrounding islands.

影子在隆冬季节飞到了位于美国东海岸一座岛屿上的房子开始着手这项计划。The ghostwriter flies out to work on the project, in the middle of winter, to an oceanfront house on an island off the US Eastern seaboard.

他计划整个周末都在那儿度过,为周一同样在此举行的贝尔斯登年度媒体发布会做准备。He planned to stay through the weekend, preparing for Bear Stearns's annual media conference, to be held at the same oceanfront resort starting Monday.

那天夜晚,亚力杭德罗的餐馆打烊后,我们几个一同去海堤公路散步。当时,微风拂面,月光明耀。一路上,我和她聊了几句。That night after Alejandro closed the restaurant, we all walked by the breezy and moonlit oceanfront Malecon drive and I got to have a few words with her.

大部分的时间他都和家人待在滨海民宿里,或是前往附近的海军基地健身,打高尔夫球以及带家人到海滩散步。He's spent much of his time at his family's rented oceanfront home, and at a nearby marine base where he works out, golfs and takes his family to the beach.

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就像倾斜成一个角度的巨大的铁饼,或者是像一个矩形的开关,亚历山大港的海滨图书馆毫无疑问是新千年第一流的设计。Like a giant discus landed at an angle or an enormous light switch, Alexandria's oceanfront library is arguably the first great design of the new millennium.

但所有关于奢侈的报道都忽略了阿布无与伦比的游艇船队,其中的部分游艇就停靠在离他豪宅不远处的海港。And all of this talk of extravagance ignores Abramovich’s unparalleled fleet of yachts, some of which typically winter in the harbor not far from his oceanfront estate.

客人可以在其精致的厨房展示厨艺,在广阔的海滨泳池内畅游,或是在附近的高尔夫球场专享的时间段内打球。Guests can play chef in its gourmet kitchen, swim in its expansive oceanfront pool, or take in rounds of golf with preferential tee times at outstanding nearby courses.