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我时常借助镊子来搞定这些造型。I use tweezers to manipulate the paper shapes.

只需备有解剖刀和镊子。A scalpel and tweezers are the only tools needed.

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使用镊子浸泡棉球在服药。Using tweezers immerse cotton pellet in medication.

我们简单地用消过毒的镊子从裂开的内果皮中取出种子。We simply removed from the cracked endocarp with sterile tweezers.

护士用了一台显微镜,然后又用了镊子,挖出这颗牙齿。The nurse used a microscope then tweezers and pulled out the tooth.

光镊技术被广泛应用于许多生物领域。The optical tweezers is widely used in many biological applications.

思嘉仿佛觉得有个小小的恶魔拿着钳子在她的眼球背后使劲拔似的。A small fiend with a pair of hot tweezers plucked behind Scarlett's eyeballs.

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目的利用光镊实现对生物微粒的操纵。Objective To manipulate biological micro-objects by using an optical tweezers.

医师就很小心用镊子,把那些虫一只一只的夹起来。The doctor quickly and very carefully picked them up one by one with tweezers.

我们简单地用消过毒的镊子从裂开的内果皮中取出种子。We simply removed the seeds out from the cracked endocarp with sterile tweezers.

当棉芯由于炭化变黑时,用镊子向外拔它,直到露出干净的棉芯。When wick becomes back from carbon, pull it up with tweezers until clean wick appears.

美林今年23岁,她只用纸张、剪刀和镊子,就能做出金梅的手工。The 23 year-old painstakingly creates the works using just paper, scissors and tweezers.

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镊子是男人最常借用的物件,润肤霜紧随其后。Tweezers were the most popular item that men borrowed, followed closely by moisturizers.

他利用刀片、镊子、胶水这种简单工具来制作著名地标建筑的微缩模型。The artist uses straight razor blade tweezers and glue to make replicas of famous landmarks.

目的探讨在病房环境中干备无菌镊及其盛器合适的更换时间。To search for optimal changing interval of sterile tweezers and container in wards of hospital.

不能用裸手接触电池片,取放电池片时须用塑料镊子。Cell handling with bare hands should be avoided. Plastic tweezers should be used for cell handling.

首先,他利用镊子模仿捕食者,从上边或者侧边来捕捉这种蟋蟀。First he mimicked attacks by predators by grabbing the insects from the side or above with tweezers.

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光镊可以实现对生物活体细胞的亚接触和无损伤的捕获和操控。Optical tweezers can be used to capture and manipulate active cells with non-contact and no invasion.

报道了一种基于光镊技术的实用的单条染色体分选技术。A new method based on the optical tweezers technology was reported for isolation of single chromosome.

我选用了一些珍珠球提亮边缘,然后用镊子将糖屑一粒粒摆上去。I chose some pearl balls to highlight the edge, and then put some sprinkle piece by piece with tweezers.