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言词冗赘的演讲者、讲话、文体。A verbose speaker, speech, style.

她真是个唠叨、啰唆的伙伴。She is really a verbose companion.

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你的报告冗长啰嗦,我无法读毕。I cannot finish your verbose report.

然而,这些都只是啰嗦的文斯在混淆自己想要表达的信息。However, Verbose Vince only muddles his message.

毫无疑问,我这啰嗦的解释最终变得冗长无比。Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.

事实上,现在只有一轮了。我刚才稍微啰嗦了一点。Actually, now only one. I was particularly verbose just there.

本节给出一些示例,演示如何使用详细输出。This section offers some examples of how to use verbose output.

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详细垃圾收集并非像其名称暗示的那样详细。Verbose garbage collection is not as verbose as the name suggests.

这虽然很直观,却会导致出现非常冗长的代码。This is straightforward, but can lead to some extremely verbose code.

老师把他的作文里重复啰嗦的成分都划掉了。The instructor canceled most of verbose expressions in his composition.

或许会觉得让人有些啰嗦、不过足够有让人观看到最后的价值。Some parts get a little verbose and wordy, but the end is really worth it.

将应用程序配置为不向远程用户显示详细错误信息。Configure the application not to show verbose error messages to remote users.

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同时,我对冗长的基于AS3的框架越来越不满意。At the same time, I am becoming dissatisfied with the verbose AS3-based frameworks.

因为交换冗长,所以我推荐您将输出输送到一个文件中。It is recommended that you pipe the output to a file because the exchange is verbose.

控制台面板会有详细的打印输出指示部署成功。The console panel will have the verbose printout indicating that the deployment is successful.

详细数据将和标准判断提示一起打印,这对程序调试非常有用。The verbose data will be printed along with the standard assertions and is useful for debugging.

有些可能采用详尽冗长的描述习惯,而其他可能采用简洁且技术性的格式风格。Some may use descriptive and verbose conventions, while others may use terse and technical formats.

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或者,对于某些查询来说,结果类型是可表示出来的,但要写出来却是冗长麻烦的。Alternately, for some queries, the result type is denotable but inconveniently verbose to write down.

经验表明,详细描述的主题空间要比简单扼要的空间更可取。Experience has shown that a more verbose topic space is preferable to a terse, less descriptive space.

您会看到,使用这些编程技术十分繁琐,并且编写此类测试相当耗时。As you will see, these are quite verbose and writing tests like this would be relatively time-consuming.