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癌症的征服为期不远。The conquest of cancer is imminent.

威震天密谋征服地球。Megatron plans the conquest of Earth.

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无赖的刀下一个怯懦的俘获。The coward conquest of a wretch's knife.

战地2的服务器搜索默认是征服模式。BF2 defaults the server type to conquest.

赫尔南科尔特斯所征服墨西哥。The Conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes.

在无双模式里解锁七个首都。Unlocked 7 capital cities in Conquest Mode.

为西斯征服者输血的就是“星际煅炉”。Fueling the Sith conquest was the Star Forge.

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诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者。The Normans ruled England by right of conquest.

诺曼底人于一零六六年占领英格兰。The Normans ruled England by right of conquest.

他要的是在更大范围上的解放和征服。He sought liberation and conquest on a greater scale.

红玫瑰能激起男人的征服欲和分泌雄性激素,但是要与一个真正热情如火的红玫瑰生活,很多男人并没有这样的信心。Red rose can activize the man’s appetency of conquest.

这次战役的结果是诺曼人征服了英格兰。This battle resulted in the Norman conquest of England.

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大卫首先征服耶路撒冷,在那?作王。David's first conquest as king was the city of Jerusalem.

在无双模式中完成所有吴国的联盟战役。Completed all of the Wu Alliance Battles in Conquest Mode.

在无双模式中完成所有晋国的联盟战役。Completed all of the Jin Alliance Battles in Conquest Mode.

在无双模式中完成所有蜀国的联盟战役。Completed all of the Shu Alliance Battles in Conquest Mode.

征服被描绘为上帝奇迹般的胜利。The conquest is represented as a miraculous victory by God.

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所以现在光天化日之下的抢劫被称为征服?So nowadays mugging in broad daylight are called conquest. ?

然而,在遇战疯人的征服中,它没能幸免。It did not survive, however, the conquest by the Yuuzhan Vong.

女人也和武士一样,并无所谓抢劫——从头到尾只有征服。With women as with warrior, there's no robbery-all's conquest.