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知识分子看不起政治,中产阶级不尊重政治。The intelligentsia looks down on politics. The middle class does not respect politics.

我们尊重知识分子是完全应该的,没有革命知识分子,革命就不会胜利。It is our due to respect intelligentsia without whom revolutionary would not get victory.

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知识分子作为社会的精英力量,对民族主义的兴起与形成具有重要作用。As the essence of society, Intelligentsia was important to spring and shape the Nationalism.

他们互相看不顺眼,亚历山大。索尔仁尼琴与俄罗斯自由派知识分子。THEY did not like each other much, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Russia's liberal intelligentsia.

民主运动是由中国知识分子和大学生领导和组织的。The pro-democracy movement was led and organised by China's intelligentsia and college students.

意识形态和经济的垮塌使得俄罗斯知识界丧失了昔日的地位、金钱及特权。Ideological and economic collapse deprived Russia’s intelligentsia of status, money and exclusivity.

士族,作为一个历史范畴的特定阶层和学术概念,有特殊的内涵。The intelligentsia on a specific stratum and academic definition has peculiar connotation of its own.

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与传统士大夫相比,现代知识分子对于文化空间的需求迥然不同。Modern intelligentsia pursued different cultural spaces compared to the traditional scholar-bureaucrats.

我想,这一事实本身比我和其他知识分子对知识界的批评更要有力。I think, this fact itself is more trenchant than me and other intellectuals' critique to the intelligentsia.

其次是误读的现代性资源,即中国现代知识界对西方现代性的误读、误植与误用。The Chinese intelligentsia misreads, misplaces and misuses the western modernity. Third, its modernity is ambivalent.

晚近,赛义德的后殖民主义理论传入中国,引起学界的积极响应。Latley, the introduction of Said's post-colonialism across the china arouse the positive response in the intelligentsia.

政治解放运动发展过于迟缓,引起城市中知识分子和新中产阶级的不满。Political liberalization was inching along too slowly to satisfy the intelligentsia and the new middle classes in the cities.

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如今这种局面,普京应负大部分责任,但俄罗斯知识界也难辞其咎。Mr Putin bears a large share of responsibility for all this, but that does not exempt the Russian intelligentsia from its share.

90年代知识分子精英叙事话语走向衰落,代之而起的是市民叙事话语。In the 90's the intelligentsia narrative discourse was declining , the townspeople's narrative discourse have taken the place of it.

北宋以后,随着儒学的发展,知识界对董仲舒的部分观点进行了比较严厉的否定。After Song dynasty, along with the evolution of Confucianism, the Intelligentsia has disavowed Dong Zhongshu's partial views sharply.

争论最终以高尔基的沉默而告终,事实上这标志着俄国文艺知识分子对19世纪革命文学传统的告别。The debate ends in Gorky's silence, but in fact, it is a farewell to 19th century's revolutionary tradition for Russian intelligentsia.

传教士和中国近现代知识分子都参与了这场与汉字命运攸关的奏鸣。Missionariesand modern and contemporary Chinese intelligentsia have joined its play which hasbeen vital for the fate of Chinese characters.

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看来他从一开始起就不信任知识分子,而同情中国的劳苦大众。From the beginning he seems to have distrusted the intelligentsia and to have had a fellow-feeling for the disinherited and the down-and-out.

在中国,随着士大夫们加入禅僧队伍,文学上开始出现了富有禅意和禅趣的作品。In China, as more literary intelligentsia joining the Zen monk, it starts to appear many works full of Zen spirit and interest in literature.

索尔仁尼琴对于俄国知识界最主要的批评是认为他们背离了知识分子的职责–为集权国家的受压迫民众执言。His main charge was that the intelligentsia had failed in its most vital task-to speak on behalf of the people suppressed by an authoritarian state.