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是完全竞争产出That's the competitive quantity.

法学院的竞争非常激烈,It is a pretty competitive school,

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实际上我是个花剑比赛选手。Actually, I am a competitive foil fencer.

划艇也是一项竞技性比赛。Rowing is also a kind of competitive game.

保持竞争优势的源学习。The source of competitive advantage to leam.

成美承认我自己非常好胜。Michelle admits she is extremely competitive.

而且也应当有竞争性的选举。There should also be "competitive elections".

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今年我想要打对抗性强烈的球赛。I want to play competitive basketball this year.

较好的面容会成为一种竞争优势吗?Can a good appearance be a competitive advantage?

望都地理位置突具优势。Hope all geographic sudden competitive advantage.

是否和华数存在同业竞争?If there are some competitive business with Wasu?

这个是布朗族的一项传统比赛项目。It is one of Blang traditional competitive games.

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这样的环境充满了压力和竞争。The environment is high-pressure and competitive.

东京最大的水果市场是极具竞争力的。Tokyo's largest fruit market is very competitive.

你能发现我方的价格是最具竞争力的。You will see that our prices is most competitive.

竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。A competitive person love to win and hate to lose.

所以这改变了整个竞争格局。And so it changes the whole competitive landscape.

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中国的棉纺织业是个有竞争力的行业。Cotton textile of China is a competitive industry.

所以我们的产品在价格上极具竟争力。Therefore our products highly competitive on price.

陷入一场你争我夺的约会战。You become embroiled in competitive dating battles.