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再见,朋友!Adios amigos!

再会,我的朋友。Adios my friend.

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再见,阿根廷!好运!Adios , Argentina, y buena suerte!

你已给我你的最后一个再见。You've given me your one last Adios.

我们必须离开这里,伙计!We gotta adios out of here, partner !

再见,英格兰。再见,我的世界杯!!!Adios England. See you 2010, good luck! ! !

突然,安吉拉闪出来,要永远跟我说拜拜。Suddenly, Angela popped up with a forever adios.

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你能不能把这些脏盘子收回去,顺便再把垃圾也带走?Could you adios these dirty dishes and take out that trash too?

我的枪正瞄着你的肚子,如果你敢动一根汗毛的话,你就说再见吧。I've got a gun aimed at your navel. If you move so much as one muscle, you can just say adios muchachos.

现在有了这个设备,来点小小的导火索,加上恰到好处的幽默感,你就能神气十足得跟那群人说“再见”了。Now with the right equipment, a little righteous anger, and some well-timed wit, you can say "ADIOS" with panache.

我不知道有朝一日我们是否会想起对方,也无法知道我们的未来将会是什么。只有道一声珍重。I don't know weather we'll think of each other at someday, also i don't know what will be for us in the future, just adios.