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这是一个注册机源代码。This is a RI source code.

李孝利笑著说。Lee Hyo Ri said laughingly.

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下列是国际扶轮出版品的分类目录。Below is a categorized list of RI publications.

双季稻作生产灌溉必不可少。Irrigation is essential in double ri ce systems.

汉斯·皮尔勒1951年出生于德国的比勒费尔德。HailS rI 6 I Br was born in 1951 in Bielefeld, Germany.

而且关怀扶轮社员家庭及宝眷只会强化扶轮。RI is successful only when Rotary clubs are successful.

大会由李主教主持的弥撒结束。The Mass to close the event was presided over by Bishop Ri.

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RI干抗剥性和RI湿抗剥性通过使用RI测试仪进行测量。The RI dry and wet pick were tested by means of a RI tester.

以确保他们都会收到国际扶轮所有的正式邮件。This will ensure that they receive all official RI mailings.

过期未交的社间隔多久会被揭载于国际扶轮网站上?Q. How often will overdue clubs be listed on the RI Web site?

原发性肝癌的血流呈高速高阻型。The Vmax and RI of HCC were higher than that in control group.

诺瑟·赖号召他的人民为利查尔王子而反击。Nossor Ri calls upon his people to fight back for Prince Lee-Char.

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恐怕没别的错误比更有损他的利益的了。There is, perhaps, no mistake more det ri men tal to his interests.

而这类保险费用国际扶轮是不补偿的。Expenses incurred to obtain this insurance are not reimbursable by RI.

你你和李多海和李孝利合作了你的音乐录影带。So now in your music videos you've worked with Lee Da Hae and Lee Hyo Ri.

诺瑟·赖首领代表夸伦人民向他效忠。Chieftain Nossor Ri pledges the loyalty of the Quarren people to his rule.

国际扶轮社长白义德祝贺巴拿马扶轮青年服务团〝带头前进〞。RI President Boyd salutes the Rotaract Club of Panama for Leading the Way.

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本文在现有文献的基础上,建构了顾客重购意向的一般模型。Based on the literature review, this paper constructs a general model of RI.

2007年国际扶轮年会充满愉快的交谈和计划摊位。The 2007 RI Convention bustles with lively conversations and project booths.

诺瑟·赖意识到王子是真挚的,尽管夸伦人背叛过他。Nossor Ri realizes the prince is sincere, despite the betrayal of the Quarren.