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高度自我中心的病态阴谋家。Ruthiessly self-centred psychopathic schemers.

高度自我中心的病态阴谋家。Ruthlessly self-centred psychopathic schemers.

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以施虐为主要动机的病态虐杀者。Psychopathic torture-muderers, with torture their primary motive.

片子讲述了一位精神变态的人杀了很多性感的女人。It tells about a psychopathic man who killed many women who were sexy.

暴躁、冲动的杀人犯,但不具备明显的心理病态特征。Impetuous, hot-headed murderers, yet without marked psychopathic features.

“他确实具具有很多心理变态狂的性格特征,”马登说。"He does have a very high level of some psychopathic traits, " Maden said.

爱钱如命的悭吝,还是心理变态上的次要现象。Love of money such as the life of the miser, or psychopathic on a secondary phenomenon.

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因此,科学家们得出结论,注意力的训练不会对预防精神病的行为有帮助。So the scientists conclude that attention training will not help prevent psychopathic behavior.

病态人格即非精神病性精神障碍,它实质上是一种人格偏向发展的极端化。The emotion of the person with psychopathic personality looks indifferent and lacking of sympathy.

心理学家保罗埃科曼用“愚人作乐”这个词,给这一变态人格的关键特征下了个术语定义。"Duping delight"—psychologist Paul Ekman's term—represents a key characteristic of the psychopathic profile.

他放出话去说他正在寻找有心理变态的和没有心理变态的志愿者来参加一个测试。He put word around the prison that he was looking for psychopathic and non-psychopathic volunteers for tests.

我们需要更多地研究精神病的病源及治疗方法,以找到预防的途径。More research is needed into the origins and treatment of psychopathic disordersand into ways to prevent them.

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综合在一起,这些信号给心理变态的人传达了一个关于他们潜在的受害人有多自信的粗略评估。Taken together, these cues gave the psychopathic men a rough gauge of how confident their potential victims were.

不管在德国还是美国,患有精神疾病的犯人都自愿去接受治疗。In both Germany and the United States defendants with psychopathic disordersare not involuntarily committed for treatment.

帝国使用某单一的基因样本克隆了这些焚化兵,目的是让他们变成年人格变态的纵火狂。The Empire cloned Incinerator troopers from a genetic stock with the intention to turn them into psychopathic pyromaniacs.

那么多的心理变态杀人狂们---有幸在巴克另类指导下---已被宣告治愈并被释放了。So many psychopathic murderers – fortunate to have been under Barker's radical tutelage – had been declared cured and freed.

萨斯和Felthous在年会的一次共同演讲上探讨了精神病理障碍和犯罪责任的问题。Sass and Felthous discussed the issue of psychopathic disordersand criminal responsibility in a combined lecture at the annualmeeting.

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任达华饰演的角色似乎有性变态,心理变态的倾向。改变应该是纪实片。真实故事改变的吧!Simon seems that the role played by sexual perversion, psychopathic tendencies. Documentary, should be changed. The true story of change in bar!

精神病患者继续被妖魔化的媒体和估计表明,一个令人不安的人口比例已经心理变态的倾向。Psychopaths continue to be demonised by the media and estimates suggest that a disturbing percentage of the population has psychopathic tendencies.

病态人格即非精神病性精神障碍,它实质上是一种人格偏向发展的极端化。Psychopathic personality, which is also called non-psychosis mental obstruct, is actually an extreme of the personality development of erroneous tendency.