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过去的大脑电路依然想要探出头来。The old circuitry will still show its head.

—压力会重新启动坏习惯的循环。Stress can reactivate the bad-habit circuitry.

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性电路释放大量的多巴胺。The sexual circuitry releases huge amounts of dopamine.

耶鲁大学的萨莉·施威茨说,“这意味着用于记忆的大脑线路改变了。”It means that the brain circuitry for memory had altered.

某些传感器自身就具有数据平滑内部电路。Some sensors have their own data smoothing internal circuitry.

他们的off-chip支持电路强大的力量消散。Their off-chip support circuitry dissipates significant power.

磁盘中的读取电路将二进制位组合成字节。The read circuitry in the disk reassembles the bits into bytes.

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所有人类都具有这样的大脑回路,且绝不会消失。All humans possess the brain circuitry and that never goes away.

该文提出一种新的数字接收机自动增益控制电路。A new Automatic Gain Control circuitry is proposed in this paper.

MCS-51单片机的复位是靠外部电路实现的。MCS-51 Monolithic machine reset is achieved by external circuitry.

通常电子电路中需要稳定不变的直流电源。Also electronic circuitry usually requires a pure, unvarying dc supply.

相对于腔QED系统,研究人员可以在许多领域自定义定制电路。QED systems, the researchers can custom tailor the circuitry in many areas.

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区段加权乱数自我测试的电路非常小,而且不会随著待测电路变大而有大幅度的增加。The SWR- BIST circuitry is very small and it grows slowly with the CUT size.

第四章是伺服模拟卡的电路与逻辑设计。The forth chapter is the circuitry and logic design of Servo Simulator Board.

这用品的权力为发动机点火器,以及作为控制电路。This supplies power for the engine igniter , as well as the control circuitry.

如果通风不当,它们的镇流器电路会火烫到失效。If not ventilated properly, their ballast circuitry can get fried enough to fail.

这当然只是第一步,更艰巨的任务是,设计出可以融入衣服的有用的电路系统。Designing useful circuitry that can be woven into cloth will be a far harder task.

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卫星通信线路的设计或分析一定涉及到天线增益。Circuitry design and analysis must involve antenna gain in satellite communications.

固化电路保证长期稳定可靠、无故障运行。Solid state electronic circuitry assures years of dependable, trouble-free operation.

过度刺激大脑中的快感链路在今天真是不费吹灰之力。Overstimulation of the reward circuitry in the brain is a very real possibility today.