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在此之前,邪恶轴心继续地吓唬着我们。Until then, the axis of evil continues to terrorise us.

市场本该就是自由的,不能凭借块头大就去恐吓小国!Market was suppose to be free not a way to terrorise smaller countries by bigger!

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近年来,杰拉德经常会在费尔南多·托雷斯身后,出任影子前锋帮助球队在进攻中威胁对手的防线。In recent years Gerrard has helped to terrorise defences playing in a role just behind Fernando Torres.

“我有一个邻居谁失去了他的妻子和三个孩子,”他告诉法新社等新闻机构。“他们只是为了恐吓人民。”"I have a neighbour who lost his wife and his three children, " he told the AFP news agency. "They did it just to terrorise people. "

只有一个眼睛的小鬼首领,就是他和他的手下在我们中间造成了恐慌,他们屠杀我们的牲畜,从床上偷走我们的小孩。The one eyed Goblin Warlord. It is him with his hoard who terrorise my people. They slaughter our cattle and steal our children from their beds.

争取民主变革运动质疑姆贝基立场的公正性。亲政府民兵已开始在乡村地区搜捕反对党人士,威胁选民在第二轮投票中支持罗伯特•穆加贝,这令人感到不安。Pro-government militias have started to terrorise the countryside, hunting down opposition people and telling voters to back Mr Mugabe in a second round—or else.

好的老师绝不会去恐吓学生的。恐吓其实就是一种攻击,会使学生排斥老师所传授的一切道理。结果功亏一篑。Good teachers never terrorise their students. To terrorise is to attack, and this results in rejection of what the teacher offers. The result is learning failure.

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然而它已经给对印度同志的普遍歧视开了绿灯,特别是方便了印度惯于施暴的警察恐吓和勒索同志。Yet it has given license to widespread discrimination against gay Indians, in particular encouraging the country’s thuggish policemen to terrorise and blackmail gay men.

无人机很快将不仅仅出现在巴基斯坦、索马里、也门等等国家,恐吓老百姓。Drones are soon not only going to terrorise people in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, ect ect, but you average Westerner will also be targeted if you dare stand up for Justice.

有的海报设想其在国际刑事法庭受审,或是站在其为恐吓利比亚人民用作当众处死刑具的绞刑架上。Some posters imagined him on trial before the international criminal court or strung up on one of the gallows used for public hangings to terrorise the Libyan population.