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他的劫数已定。His doom is sealed.

所有货物都加盖了检验合格封印。All goods were sealed.

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然后,以吻封缄。And sealed with a kiss.

美味锁在一锅之中!Flavours sealed in a pot!

那是一个封闭的宇宙。That is a sealed universe.

那个密封不严的罐头胀裂了。The poorly sealed can blew.

告诉我吧,我嘴巴很严的。Tell me. My lips are sealed.

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这个罐子得封严实了。The jar must be well sealed.

我们把水果罐密封起来。We sealed the jars of fruit.

密封锥型滚子轴承。Sealed taper roller bearings.

哪些牙齿需要做窝沟封闭?Which teeth should be sealed?

冰结封灭阵!Ice sealed off junction array!

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这信封封得很牢。The envelope was firmly sealed.

可是门都封起来了。But if the entire kiln is sealed.

多重密封、防水。Multi-ply sealed water resistant.

其中一具石棺仍然密封着。One sarcophagus was still sealed.

在这些记录被封存起来之后。After that the records are sealed.

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他用浆糊粘信封。He sealed the envelope with paste.

他在文件上签字加封。He signed and sealed the document.

她的嘴被诺言封住了。Her lips were sealed by a promise.