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相反,政府处于不利的地位去调整资金。Governments, in turn, are in bad shape to recapitalize them.

坏账将迫使政府介入,并对银行进行资本重组。Bad loans could force the government to step in and recapitalize banks.

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用政府资金为银行注资所带来的政治问题不易解决。The politics of allocating government funds to recapitalize banks is not easy.

在该方案内,瑞士信贷认为欧洲各国政府应支出3-4亿欧元来重建银行资本.Within this, Credit Suisse reckons European governments should spend 300-400 million euros to recapitalize banks.

一些分析师和金融业内人士认为,监管者除了目前计划外,将进一步对银行资本进行调整,并剥除银行帐上的有毒资产.他们预计,亦可能出现管理层人事大调整和并购,一些整修无望的大公司甚至可能破产.Some analysts and financial industry insiders think regulators will go beyond current plans to simply recapitalize

事实上在Wigington和她的母亲决定资产重组之后,她们当初会见了三家不同的私人股权公司。In fact, Wigington and her mother initially met with three different private equity firms after deciding to recapitalize.

瑞银在报告中写到,当环境改善之后,银行就能进行资本重组,并不再需要政府提供的流动性援助.At a more favorable environment, the banks can recapitalize and come off government liquidity buffers, UBS wrote in a note.

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目前,市场看好欧洲将EFSF用于欧洲银行业的资本重整和稳定可能取得的成果。The market is pricing in a happy outcome in Europe with the EFSF used to recapitalize and stabilize Europe's banking sector.

如果欧元区领导人周日能够出台重组银行资本的计划,欧元可能获得提振.The euro may get a boost if euro zone leaders can cobble together a plan on Sunday to recapitalize banks facing hefty losses.

限制公共开支的团结与发展条约放宽了,允许各国政府调整其银行的资本结构。The Stability and Growth Pact, which restricts public spending, was relaxed to permit governments to recapitalize their banks.

继而,他宣布调整银行资本结构,一个月后就不用购买任何出问题的资产。Then he announced that he would recapitalize banks and, a month later, that there would be no toxic-asset purchases after all.

美国银行在此次美国金融危机中受创严重,需要筹集几十亿美元资金补血。Bank of America has been so badly hurt by the U.S. financial crisis that it needs to raise billions of dollars to recapitalize.

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未来政策的目标应该是以借贷的方式向银行融资,同时保留信贷市场的底层结构。The goal of future policy should be to recapitalize lending institutions while maintaining the basic infrastructure of credit markets.

中国经济软着陆的支持者中国中国政府拥有巨额的外汇储备——可以对衰落的银行进行资本重组。Advocates of a soft landing in China point to the Chinese government’s massive foreign reserves—which can be used to recapitalize failing banks.

以高于市价的价格购买无用的资产,以此改变银行治理结构,但却让坏人得利,而且在恢复市场信心方面毫无作为。It will purchase dud assets at above-market prices. It does serve to recapitalize banks, but it rewards the worst offenders and does nothing to restore trust.

尽管本周四欧洲国家领导人协定调整欧洲的银行资本,但现实是,这些欧洲国家不能靠自己来召集所需要的资金。Despite the agreement among Europe’s leaders on Thursday to recapitalize banks on the Continent, the reality is that Europe cannot muster this cash on its own.

我们认为,西班牙完全可以自己照料自己,因为这个国家的公共债务水平很低,且可以在不危及公债的情况下重组其银行业。We think Spain is quite strong to fend for itself because it has a low level of public debt and it could recapitalize its banks without risking its public debt.

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在本世纪伊始,中国进行了大规模的银行体系资产重组,原因是主要机构都陷于呆账,坏账的问题。At the beginning of this decade, China had to massively recapitalize its own banking system, because the major institutions were swamped with non-performing loans.

IMF总裁拉加德再次呼吁欧洲国家采取紧急行动,对面临主权债务风险的银行进行资本重组.IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde renewed her call to European countries to take urgent action to recapitalize banks at risk from their sovereign debt exposure.

美国财政部对金融市场的干预措施已经使得不确定性增加,同时也减缓了市场自身稳定和重建体系的速度。Interventions by the U.S. Treasury in financial markets have added to the uncertainty and slowed market responses that would help stabilize and recapitalize the system.