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其中之一是非常个人主义。One reason is that we are very individualistic.

世界正在变成一个分散如原子的,极端个人主义的地方。It is becoming an atomised, individualistic world.

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因此,我们将步入更加利己主义的社会。So over time, we're moving towards a much more individualistic society.

显然,对于宗教其个人主义性质的想法对他相当重要。Clearly, his ideas about the individualistic nature of religion were important to him.

此外,西方人相对比较个人主义而东方人则更看重集体主义。Besides, the westerns are individualistic while the easterners are more collectivistic.

做世界上有意义事情的本质可能是孤独的和个人主义的。The nature of doing meaningful things in the world means it can be lonely and individualistic.

天蝎座妈妈带着浓重的个人主义色彩,她们的口味一成不变,最爱花花草草了。As Scorpio moms have an individualistic attitude, their taste invariably goes towards—loving plant life.

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天蝎妈妈带着浓重的个人主义色彩,她们的口味一成不变,最爱花花草草了。As Scorpio mom's have an individualistic attitude, their taste invariably goes towards loving plant life.

因为老美时常夸大肚冖自主,使很多年青人社会立场趋势于个人主义。As Americans often emphasize independence, more youngsters tend to be more individualistic toward society.

当然,这会非常影响他们和其他种族的关系,特别是盖伦特联邦。This has, of course, tainted their relations with other races, especially the individualistic Gallenteans.

不过,他们仍旧是经济学家,他们的世界观仍具有极端的个人主义和理性主义色彩。But they are still economists, with worldviews that are still excessively individualistic and rationalistic.

与其它国家相比,美国的政治文化向来更强调个人主义、轻视平均主义。America's political culture has always been more individualistic and less egalitarian than that of other nations.

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不过,年轻人一方面更加爱国,另一方面提出的要求更多、更加个人主义、这两者并不矛盾。Yet it is not a contradiction for young people to be more patriotic, but also more demanding and individualistic.

幸亏像阿尔法这样的个性化克隆人战功赫赫,像2224号这样的个体才被允许保留他们特有的名字。But thanks to the efforts of individualistic clones like Alpha, units such as 2224 got to retain their proper names.

图案化的笔墨形式,与晚明变形主义颇有契合之处。This patterned method of painting correlates to the individualistic modes that were common in the late Ming dynasty.

在中国,汉堡王的策略是在大城市中瞄准年轻的、更个人主义的消费者。In China, Burger King’s strategy is particularly to chase younger, more individualistic diners in the country’s big cities.

他修筑的个性十足的教堂没有经过当地政府的批准,更甭提得到天主教会的许可了。His radically individualistic cathedral was built without permission from the local government, let alone the Catholic Church.

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她的父亲是一名游艇和飞机设计师,母亲是肖像画家,两人都无拘无束且崇尚个人主义。Her father, a yacht and airplane designer, and her mother, a portrait painter, were both free spirits and very individualistic.

别的,这个氏族独特的唇钉,离奇的标示以及极为独特的背甲和战旗也十分着名。This clan is also noted for its grotesque lip-plugs, strange icons, and its highly individualistic back-plates and back banners.

在这个地理环境各异,阶级对立严重,且充溢个人主义色彩的国家里,一次矿难营救,却令各色人等走到了一起。The collapse of the mine has helped pull together a geographically disparate, class-conscious, and often individualistic country.