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她说她必须剪下产品代码。She said she had to cut out the UPC code.

事实上,UPC商品条码是更广义的EAN条码的子集。UPC is in fact a subset of the more general EAN code.

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两种最常用的条码是美国的“环球产品代码”和“欧洲货物号码”。The two most common types are the American UPC and the EAN.

这是人类可读的数字低于UPC码及以上的补充代码。There are human readable digits below the UPC code and above the supplemental code.

二十年后Woodland继续协助设计通用产品代码系统,今天这个系统已经是无处不在。Two decades later Woodland went on to help devise the UPC system in universal use today.

这种资讯包含名称、品牌、商店、通用产品编号、价格和包装材料。This information includes name, brand, store, UPC ID number, price, and packaging material.

因为我需要电视和网路,不用电话,所以不知道还有没有其他的选择。So I have to use UPC for TV. Then I have to use Chello for internet, because I dont need telephone.

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我必要要剪下产品代码,填表,连带发票把它邮给生产商。I had to cut out the UPC code, fill out a form, and mail it in with the receipt to the manufacturer.

然后将它和现金发票和在商品包装上的统一商品条码寄给生产厂家。Then mail it to the manufacturer with your cash register receipt and the UPC from the product package.

简而言之,如果您是一位现存商品条码为8-12位UPC码的产品制造商,无需担心,因为您不必作任何改变。In a nutshell, if you are a manufacturer of a product that has an existing 8 or 12-digit UPC barcode, don't worry.

这个项目的目标是编译和分发UPC产品代码的数据库,以及用于处理数据的不同工具。This project intends to compile and distribute a database of UPC product codes and various utilities for manipulating that data.

只需扫描产品的UPC代码,让程序自己执行,它会在谷歌产品搜索或公开网络搜索这个产品。You simply scan a product’s UPC code and let the app go to work to find it in Google Product Search or a search on the open Web.

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厂商识别代码是指国际通用的商品标识系统中表示厂商的惟一代码,是商品条码的重要组成部分。Company prefix refers to the unique code that stands for the manufacturer in UPC system and is an important part of code for commodity.

我们致力于研究制造适用于不同行业领域的一维、二维条码打印贴标机,以及RFID条码打印贴标机。Our company is committed to design and manufacturing different industry area one dimension, two dimension UPC labeling, and RFID labeling systems.

建立了基于有限元方法并结合一种弧长算法的适用于UPC梁非线性全过程分析的数值模型。A numerical model based on the finite element method incorporating an arc-length algorithm for nonlinear full-range analysis of UPC beams was developed.

较好的原料条件和先进的操作技术可避免未燃煤粉在炉内的过量积累,克服其不利影响,从而能够实现煤比的进一步提高。Better material condition and advanced operating technique can avoid excessive accumulation of UPC in BF, overcome the disadvantageous influence, as a result, the higher PCI rate can be got.