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上班族是天下最怪异的人。The commuter is the queerest bird of all.

那正是你所期待的通勤车。That's exactly what you want to hear about a commuter car.

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最低工资甚至不够支付上下班交通费。The minimum salary could not even cover the commuter costs.

输入“跨境通勤者许可证”的许可证号码。Enter the permit number for the Cross Border Commuter Permit.

让我们看看一个开车上下班的普通美国人惠勒先生。Let's consider Mr. Wheeler, the average American car commuter.

我尖锐而坚决反驳默默的通勤者的野蛮的迫害。I acutely and resolutely refuted the brutal persecution of mute commuter.

台铁都会区捷运化暨区域铁路先期建设计划?。Initial Construction Project of TRA Commuter Railway and Regional Railway?

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大部分工人住在市里,我们有免费的通勤车接送他们。Most of them live in the city. We provide free commuter buses for the workers.

1月2日,一个印度人在新德里一片浓雾中骑车去上班。An Indian commuter makes his way to work amid dense fog in New Delhi on Jan. 2.

在那天早晨,4列通勤车车厢中共发生了10起爆炸性事件。During the morning attacks, 10 explosionstook place onboard four commuter trains.

要了解日本的移动电话文化,最好的方法是在上下班时间坐上一列拥挤的地铁。The best way to grasp Japan's mobile culture is to take a crowded commuter train.

公共汽车、地下铁道和上下班火车的票价一般都比其他国家的贵。Bus, subway, and commuter train fares generally are higher than in other countries.

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还有我在Surfliner工作,是通勤火车。沿着海岸线走。and then I work on Surfliner, which is a commuter train. It goes up down the coast.

在马德里,通勤火车上发生10枚炸弹爆炸,造成近200人死亡,1800多人受伤。In Madrid, 10 bombs on commuter trains killed nearly 200 and injured more than 1,800.

新卡斯特尔郡能看到更多的通勤火车服务吗?有一家企业希望这样。Could more commuter rail service be coming to Newcastle County? One business hopes so.

狗的通勤车票一天晚上,我刚刚坐上车,发现兰普正卧在我的脚边。Canine Commuter One night as I sat in the train, I realized Lampo was lying at my feet.

一列通勤列车在等待一个地下的平台Osterley站伦敦西部。A commuter awaits an underground train on the platform at Osterley station in west London.

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西装革履的上班族在拥挤的上下班列车上站著睡觉在日本十分常见。Suited salarymen napping, often standing up, are a common sight on crowded commuter trains.

一条位于英格兰密集工业区“黑乡”的道路将会以一位足球史上的英雄的名字命名。Black Country commuter route could be renamed in memory of one of the area's football heroes.

一个经常坐公共汽车的人正在车上读着一份报纸,上面是有关人的平均寿命的统计。Riding on a bus, a commuter was reading a newspaper article about life-expectancy statistics.