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我流鼻涕,嗓子还又疼又哑。I have a runny nose and a scratchy throat.

有的很清朗,其他的更沙哑。Some voices are clear, others are more scratchy.

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我流鼻水,打喷嚏并且喉咙沙哑。I have a runny nose, am sneezing and also have a scratchy throat.

在此期间内,刮刮卡稀有物品获得机率加倍!During these times, rare item drop rates from Scratchy Card will be doubled!

使用破旧的、脏的或者有刮擦声的洗车毛巾、海棉、干毛巾等。Using tatty , worn , dirty , or scratchy wash mitts , sponges , drying towels etc.

是暖暖的鸡汤滋润了干渴沙哑的喉咙?Is it simply the warmth of the chicken broth running down a parched and scratchy throat?

一些人可能经历过听力改变、咽喉刺痛、声嘶和咳嗽。Some people may experience hearing changes, scratchy sore throats, hoarseness, and cough.

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最近我脚趾脱皮,发痒,脚趾甲有点腐烂了,怎么回事啊?Recently my toe desquamate, scratchy , toenail decayed a bit, how to return a responsibility?

今年54岁的乔布斯看上去很瘦弱,说话嗓音沙哑,但他在这次公开露面中却表现出了活力和热情。The 54-year-old appeared thin and spoke with a scratchy voice, but showed energy and enthusiasm.

自来水、噪音、粗糙的衣服这些东西都会引起自闭症者类似的反应。Running water, loud noises and scratchy clothing all can set off similar alarm bells for the autistic.

停止咳嗽或喉咙沙哑可以喝蜂蜜或普通咳嗽滴剂和糖浆茶。Stopping a cough or scratchy throat can take drinking tea with honey or common cough drops and syrups.

我在砖面毛糙的门廊上坐下,双脚悬荡着,一种前所未有的无根感涌上心头。I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangling my legs off the edge, feeling as rootless as I've ever felt.

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我在砖面粗糙的门廊上坐下,双脚悬荡着,一种前所未有的无根感涌上心头。I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangling my legs off the edge, feeling as rootless as I"ve ever felt."

眼角总是发痒怎么回事,有什么办法可以快速有效治疗?Canthus always is scratchy how to return a responsibility, what method can be treated effectively quickly?

再加上每天花好几小时穿越乾燥、浓密、刺人的植被,田野工作的浪漫很快就消失了。Add hours of daily bushwhacking through dry, dense, scratchy vegetation, and the romance of fieldwork quickly fades.

女儿躯干小疹子发痒但是被手抓破皮,会是手足口病吗?。Daughter trunk small measles is scratchy but be caught to defeat a skin by the hand, can you be brothers mouth disease?

在孩子的房间里使用喷雾的加湿器,增加空气的湿度缓解孩子的鼻塞和喉咙的干痒。Use a cool mist humidifier in your child's room to put moisture in the air to help your child's stuffy nose and dry scratchy throat.

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也可能引发头晕、浑身无力、腿软、食欲减退、咽干口渴、喉咙发痒、咳嗽、失眠多梦等。Cause giddy, all-overish, leg possibly also soft, anorexia, pharynx doing is thirsty, guttural much dream of scratchy , cough, insomnia.

尽管尼古拉斯·阿内尔卡是联赛的最佳射手,但是他的进球不过是靠运气,或者对手在场后他趁虚而入罢了。Nicolas Anelka is the league's top-goal scorer but many of his goals have been scratchy and come only after opponents have already gone behind.

他们会抱怨因衣服标签或袜子缝合处所造成的痒痛,也会对强光、刺耳的声音、臭味,或者一些食品的材质而感到畏惧。They may complain about scratchy shirt labels or sock seams and recoil from bright lights, harsh sounds, "bad" smells, or certain food textures.