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这将是你最后一次发飙了。This will be your last outburst.

恒星爆发数年后的回光Light Echo Years After Stellar Outburst

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那件坏消息使她嚎啕大哭。That bad news caused her emotinal outburst.

我们被他这没头没脑的话给弄愣了。We couldn't make any sense of his sudden outburst.

第二,因为主教练的骂人行为而将他送上开台。Then, send the manager to the stands for his outburst.

但,导致大爆发的根本原因尚不清楚。But, the original cause of the outburst remains unclear.

那次大爆发真的影响到了基冈的纽卡斯尔?Did that outburst really effect Keegan's Newcastle team?

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乳剂的破裂是用光学显微镜下观察。The outburst of emulsions was observed by photics microscope.

南桐煤矿为一高沼气严重突出矿井。Nantong Coal Mine is a high methane mine with serious outburst.

突然的爆发把我自己也吓到了,我笑我自己。The outburst startled even me, and I started laughing to myself.

第二部分对冷战的爆发及其对中国的影响进行了系统阐发和剖析。I have explained the outburst of the cold war and impact on China.

伯爵想起了他放走的这只狼和为此事曾与丹尼洛发生冲突的情景。The count remembered the wolf he had let slip and Danilo's outburst.

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吉诺曼先生扭绞着双手,同时骇人地放声大笑M. Gillenormand wrung his hands with an outburst of terrible laughter.

热变质突出煤以各向同性结构、细粒一中粒镶嵌结构和气孔为主。And distinct grain structure and pores are also found in outburst coal.

如果你一年观测364天,那么流星暴雨会出现在第365天。If you observe 364 nights a year, the outburst will happen in the 365th.

山名清贵在婚姻破裂后发起了这项名为“喊出你的爱”的活动。He held the activity named "say your love"after the outburst of marriage.

一场突发的对立球迷间的殴斗演变成了一场暴动。A sudden outburst of fighting among rival soccer fans developedsintosa riot.

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该软件增古花园煤矿获得应用。The software was applied in Xiahuayuan colliery to predict coal-gas outburst.

穆斯堡尔效应从微观结构上为判断瓦斯突出提供了依据。Mossbauer effect provides evidence for judging gas outburst in microstructure.

随之而来的恒星喷发又使环绕恒星的尘埃盘的温度增加。The resulting outburst causes temperatures to rise in the star's surrounding disk.