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先去梦想花园吧。We're going to Fantasyland first.

而公园的一处地方真的就叫做梦幻乐园。Indeed, one place in the park is called Fantasyland.

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他们经营他们的梦境——这正是我们做的事情——讲故事,创造影像。They deal in fantasyland. That's what we do here—tell stories and create images.

如果童话乐园挤满了人,而旁边的明日世界却有许多空房间时该怎么办?What if Fantasyland is swamped with people but adjacent Tomorrowland has plenty of elbow room?

今日你的爱情生活看起来是那样的闪闪发光正如美丽的金星引领你进入梦幻的国度。Your love life seems to sparkle and shine today as beautiful Venus draws you into Fantasyland.

在钢筋水泥的丛林中,遥想古代大师无我的风景,体会一种真实的梦境。In the forest of skyscrapers, we could reach a real fantasyland when recalling ancient masters' idea of "Anatman".

这两部小说虽然产生于不同年代,不同国度,但都是以写梦境为主。Although the two novels spring from different age and country, both of the two articles pay much attention to fantasyland.

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富有的大学毕业生的孩子更有可能成长为富有的大学毕业生,即使在这世界的社会民主乐园——丹麦也是这样。The children of rich college graduates are far more likely to grow up to become rich college graduates, even in the world's social-democratic fantasyland.

作为希腊神话后,巨人恩克拉多斯已知的,月亮是天文学家威廉赫歇尔发现了在1789年,是不折不扣的宇宙太虚幻境短。Known as Enceladus after the mythological Greek giant, the moon was discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1789 and is nothing short of a cosmic fantasyland.

作为一个新世纪的方法,我们期待构建一个新的梦境结合财富这个新的时代将带来和它将提供的高技术。As a new millennium approach, we look forward to constructing a new fantasyland by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide.

梦幻世界将以一个新版的七个小矮人的矿车和水晶洞穴的航行为主题,将发生在标志性的魔法故事书的城堡里。Fantasyland will feature a newversion of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and the Voyage to the Crystal Grottoride, which will run underneath the iconic Enchanted Storybook Castle.

空中缆车缆车线连接中国与聪明但腻的感情世界是唯一在公园,你可以看到外面的世界。The Skyway cable-car line that connects Tomorrowland with the clever but cloyingly sentimental Fantasyland is the only spot in the park from which you can see the outside world.

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在很长一顿时间里,大多数没有很久很久以前或者科幻小说中的超级英雄,这种商业娱乐活动呈现出舒适而且比较富裕的生活。For a long time most commercial entertainments not set in the distant past or in some science-fiction superhero fantasyland have taken place in a realm of generic ease and relative affluence.

那里是孩子的天堂,可以去探险世界、幻想世界,还有明日世界游玩,还有很多家喻户晓的我们小朋友都喜欢的卡通人物,我们可以和他们照相留念。There is a paradise for children, can go to adventureland, fantasyland and tomorrowland, there are many household our children like a cartoon character, can we take photos of them as a souvenir.