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摩队比不上利物浦队。Dynamo is not spatch on Liverpool.

发电机使机械能转换为电。A dynamo transforms mechanical energy into electricity.

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但是一旦这台发电机减速运转,整个车都会慢下来。But let the dynamo slow down and the whole system lags.

她是一个经历充沛的人,决心要在这个世界上留下一个印记。She’s a dynamo that’s determined to leave a mark on the world.

萨巴莱塔已经错过了面对雷丁,基辅迪纳摩和切尔西的比赛。Zabaleta has missed games against Reading, Dynamo Kiev and Chelsea.

而在接下来的冬天这名球员就被转给了基辅迪那摩。And in the following winter this player was offloaded to Dynamo Kiev.

1945年,莫斯科迪那摩足球队员在英国伦敦。Football players of the Moscow "Dynamo" in London, 1945, Ivan Shagin.

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我的母亲就像发电机一样充满活力,她和谁都能聊上,走起路来大步流星。My mother was a dynamo. She would talk to anyone. She never walked slowly.

虽然听上去不可思议,但即使是那些最懒的沙发党也是一台人体发电机。It may not seem like it, but even the laziest of couch potatoes is a human dynamo.

介绍了涡轮静电背负喷粉机结构。The structure of the bear turbine dynamo electrostatic dusting engine was described.

苏联雕刻家在狄纳莫体育馆前为他们立了一座纪念碑。Russian sculptor built a monument in front of Dynamo Stadium in Kiev to memorize them.

乌克兰联赛冠军基辅迪那摩希望租借安德烈舍甫琴柯。Ukrainian champions Dynamo Kiev are eager to strike a loan deal for Andrei Shevchenko.

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中场发动机莱恩。塔尼克利夫成为2011年度丹泽尔。哈龙青年球员奖。Midfield dynamo Ryan Tunnicliffe is the Jimmy Murphy Young Player of the Year for 2011.

可怕的疾病最终还是拖垮了精力充沛的像台小电动机似的泰勒。This dreaded disease eventually wore down even the likes of a little dynamo like Tyler.

1949年,莫斯科列宁格勒大街,迪那摩足球场的车流。Leningrad prospect near the "Dynamo" stadium before a football match, 1949, Ivan Shagin.

讨论了MHD发电机和其它类型发电机的研究概况。Finally the researches on the MHD dynamo and other kinds of dynamos are briefly discussed.

只是当他试着后掷鱼线时,他才发现自己被一个活蹦乱跳,气喘吁吁的人吸引住了。Only when he tried to back-cast did he find himself hooked into a living, breathing dynamo.

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威廉加拉没在对曼城的比赛中出场,但将会在周中冠军杯中复出。William Gallas did not play against Manchester City but he will feature against Dynamo Kyiv.

通过在负发电机里岩石学或冷却率可控制火星的地壳磁化吗?。Crustal magnetization of Mars controlled by lithology or cooling ra te in a reversing dynamo?

由于运河的开凿,使得这里成为欧洲经济的发动机,各国的商贩在这随处可见It becomes this economic dynamo because of that, and thus traders are to be found everywhere.