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您别气宝宝好吗?You don't plague a baby good?

1665年一场瘟疫降临伦敦。A plague visited London in 1665.

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瘟疫夺走了他的生命。He was carried away by the plague.

鼠疫在1665年侵袭了伦敦。The plague visited London in 1665.

年伦敦爆发了腺鼠疫。Bubonic plague struck London in 1665.

他总是回避我,好像我是瘟神一样。He tries to avoid me like the plague.

一场可怕的瘟疫袭击了整个欧洲。A terrible plague hit the whole Europe.

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该名字在德语中的意思是“牛瘟或牛疫”。The name means "cattle plague" in German.

人口中的大部分被一场瘟疫所毁。The population was decimated by a plague.

水危机瘟疫地区遍布世界各地。Water woes plague regions around the world.

更带来瘟疫,将灵车顶替了婚床。And blights with plague the Marriage hearse.

喝过帝王们的鸩毒——自我阿谀?Drink up the monarch's plague this flattery?

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在大多数时候,他对于对方中锋来说都是一场瘟疫。Most weeks he is a plague on centre-forwards.

确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的灾害标枪。Fixed Plague Javelin to do initial weapon damage.

最著名的非1518年的死亡舞蹈狂躁症瘟疫莫属。Most famous is the deadly dancing plague of 1518.

在中世纪时,这种瘟疫十分可怕。The plague was greatly feared in the Middle Ages.

新鲜的空气对身体健康很有好处,多多益善。Fresh air is good for health. Plenty is no plague.

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一半的人口在瘟疫中丧生。Half of the population was wiped out by the plague.

他们还排除了图坦卡蒙患有黑死病或肺结核。They also ruled out bubonic plague or tuberculosis.

因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。I didn’t uate the blue glue due to the vague plague.