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这减轻了我们的痛苦。This lessens our anguish.

垂挂著热病的露珠。With anguish moist and fever dew.

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我整个心灵,痛苦得抖泣And all my heart in anguish shivers

他咆哮着,痛苦的喊声划破长空。He bellows, rends the air with anguish.

里维埃又痛苦地凝视着他。Riviere gazed back at him with anguish.

它们暗示了痛苦的何等深度?What depths of anguish do they intimate?

我们理解你们的苦衷,愿意与你们分担。And we know of your anguish. We share it.

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狗懂得门的意义及门所带来的苦恼。Dogs know the meaning and anguish of doors.

整容手术过程有痛苦吗?。Does face-lifting operation process have anguish?

苦恼之风依然卷走它们一如往昔。The wind of anguish still hauls on them as usual.

他为她而活,倒也以苦为乐。He lives for her, and he is happy with his anguish.

她感到一种从未有过的快乐和一种深切的酸楚。She felt an unheard-of joy, and a profound anguish.

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这个老妇人伤心地捶胸顿足地哭着、号着。The old woman beat her breast and cried in anguish.

存在主义者立刻说,人类是痛苦。The existentialists say at once that man is anguish.

悲恸之余,他希望能为沃尔特做点事。With anguish he wished he could do something for walter.

没人觉察出他所承担的痛苦。No one suspected the anguish he carried on his shoulders.

如果有人不这样问,他就是掩饰自己的痛苦。If a man does not say that, he is dissembling his anguish.

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故事发生在安格韦西国王任爱尔兰国王的时期。When our story begins, King Anguish is the King of Ireland.

直接导致了今日的丧夫丧子之痛。Directly caused today's funeral man's losing the anguish of son.

他搂着妻子,悲痛地望着她。And he took his wife in his arms, and looked at her with anguish.