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论大马士革的默示。The burden of Damascus.

负担在你身上。The burden is put on you.

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但是这双大耳朵同时也是Harbor的负担。But they can also be a burden.

我的思想一直都是我的包袱。My thoughts had been my burden.

请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。The camel is a beast of burden.

子女过多是个拖累。Too many children are a burden.

沉重的担子把他压垮了。The heavy burden has brayed him.

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她们将白人的重负卸去Brought the white man’s burden down

他摆脱不了精神负担。He wasn't rid of the mental burden.

他一个人挑不起这副担子。He could not carry the burden alone.

反之,要把责任揽在你自己身上。Instead, put the burden on yourself.

一个人总会再次发现他的重荷。One always finds one's burden again.

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这是牧师的沉重负担。This puts a heavy burden on the pastor.

因为各人总要挑他自己的担子。For every man shall bear his own burden.

如何可减轻癌症负担?How can the burden of cancer be reduced?

那是你们的特权,更是你们的负担。That is your privilege, and your burden.

爱挑的担子,就愉快轻松。The burden on likes is cheerfully borne.

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一是个人费用负担重。First, the heavy burden of personal cost.

因为我的轭是甘饴的,我的担子是轻松的。For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.

希腊可能要减半其债务负担。Greece may have to halve its debt burden.