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这是皇家昆虫学会的网站。This is the website of Royal Entomological Society.

这是加拿大昆虫学会的网站。This is the website of Entomological Society of Canada.

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这是立陶宛昆虫学学会的网站。This is the website for Lithuanian Entomological Society.

这是爱达荷大学植物,土壤和昆虫学系的网站。This is the website of Department of Plant, Soil, and Entomological Sciences.

互联网的发展给昆虫学的研究开辟了新的道路。The development of the Internet provides new tools for entomological research.

方法采用昆虫学分类原理与方法。Methods Entomological classification principles and methods were used in this study.

本文就其在昆虫学研究中应用的一些新进展作了综述。This paper introduces the new advance in application of proteomics in entomological research.

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模式标本保存于北京林业大学昆虫标本室。The type specimens are preserved at Entomological Specimen Room of Beijing Forestry University.

同时,展望了该技术在昆虫学研究中广阔的应用前景。The broad prospects for the application of SPR techniques in entomological research are also discussed.

计算机作为一种昆虫分类的工具,已广泛用于昆虫的数值分类和支序分类中。As a useful tool, computer has been widely used in the entomological research works including insect classification.

方法采用CDC诱蚊灯在人房通宵捕蚊,对所获蚊虫进行群落学特征分析。Method Mosquitoes were collected with CDC lamp-traps in human houses all night long and data analysed by entomological methods.

昆虫学调查显示白纹伊蚊在疫区以及未受该病影响地区的密度都很高。An entomological survey revealed high densities of Aedes albopictus in the affected areas as well as in areas not affected by the disease.

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从生物技术和信息技术两方面简要介绍科技革命在昆虫学领域中的表现和影响。Influence and expression of modem technological revolution on entomological research were analyzed from biotechnology and information technology.

本文就如何在昆虫研究法教学中加强对学生创新能力的培养提出了一些建议。In this paper, some suggestions on how to enhance the creative ability of university students in the teaching of entomological research are proposed.

方法用CDC诱蚊灯在人、牛房通宵捕蚊,对所获数据进行群落学特征分析。Methods CDC New Standard Miniature Light Traps were used to collect mosquitoes in human rooms and cowshed at night and analysis data by entomological community methods.

通过对雷达昆虫学研究和其他方法得到的研究成果的综合分析,提出一套昆虫迁飞行为参数化方案。A parameterizing scheme for insect migratory behaviour was presented based on the comprehensive analysis of the radar entomological researches and other migration studies.

今天在英国的这所私人小学里,学童们将会见识到「虫秀」这是巡迴的昆虫娱乐节目,由一个人和他令人发毛的虫虫同伴们担纲演出。Today's the day that pupils at this private coed are getting a visit from the Big Bug Show, a travelling entomological entertainment featuring one man and his creepy-crawlies.

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法雷尔显然非常喜欢这种周游,但他拒绝了对公众开放的请求,只偶尔允许学校的小组或者愿意俱乐部到他的昆虫学梦幻岛来。It's a tour Farrell clearly loves giving but he has resisted calls to open to the public, allowing only the odd school group and gardening club to enter his entomological Neverland.

对于在调查范围内的所有6个亚洲城市或城郊地区,小组随机选择多个城市群落开展了标准化的家庭调查、邻里背景调查和昆虫学调查。In each of six Asian cities or periurban areas, a team randomly selected urban clusters for conducting standardized household surveys, neighbourhood background surveys and entomological surveys.