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人们匆匆赶回家,却发现这不过是仙人的魔法。They hurried home to find it was but faery glamour.

你现在是个仙灵了,和我们一样,我们能干什么,你就能干什么。Youre a faery now, same as us, and can do anything we can do.

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不会再陶醉于无忧的爱情和它的魅力!More, Never have relish in the faery power Of unreflecting love!

这个仙灵微笑着看着我,“你得吃点东西。”" The faery smiled and stared at me. "You need to eat something.

在我们爱尔兰,有关仙人的恐怖故事只是幻想。Our Irish faery terrors have about them something of make-believe.

她说仙子们带着她骑着一匹仙马走了很远。She said the faeries had taken her away adistance, on a faery horse.

荷花仙子本是王母侍女,美丽而多情。Lotus faery is king mother lady-in-waiting originally, beautiful and amorous.

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她说仙子们带着她骑着一匹仙马走了很远。She said the faeries had taken her away a great distance, riding on a faery horse.

这群仙灵小孩开始大叫“安尼戴,安尼戴”,而我心中却响起一阵哭声。The faery children began to chant "Aniday, Aniday, " and a cry sounded in my heart.

在离湖不远的地方,我听说过一个美丽而凄婉的关于仙人劫持的故事。A little way from this lake I heard a beautiful and mournful history of faery kidnapping.

我选了百变小樱,阿童木,花仙子和美少女战士水宾月。I chose the ever-changing sakura, wood, beautiful faery and girl warrior water Penn months.

我也许永远都不会再看到你,不会再陶醉于无忧的爱情和它的魅力!That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the faery power Of unreflecting love!

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夏天的太阳下,云朵飘拂,云影在树林和仙灵的营寨上移动。Clouds passed beneath the summer sun, rolling their shadows through the trees and across the faery camp.

泉流声空灵地响着,似乎怕惊扰了当年百花仙子的幽梦。Fountain sound vacant land rang and seems afraid to scare the year 100 beautiful faery super-charged dream.

不耐烦的人都会注意到我没有提及黑暗精灵、侏儒和仙女的系统。不过我很好的理由的。Touchy people will notice that I didn't mention the Darf, Gnome and Faery systems, and there is a good reason!

仙灵队被突如其来的严酷天气赶回了家,他们缓步回营时,我们还坐在老地方。We were still sitting in our places when the faery troop meandered back to the camp, chased home by the sud-den inclemency.

有个来自坎贝尔的人就说过一件捉来仙人然后虐待的事儿,换在爱尔兰,可没有人敢这样。There are points beyond which neither will go. No Irish peasant would treat a captured faery as did the man Campbell tells of.

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洞内道路曲折迷离,泉水叮咚作响,仿佛在诉说着当年百花仙子与姐妹们告别时的话语。Hole road twists confusing, tinkling away, as if spring in recounting that year 100 beautiful faery and sisters farewell discourse.

十几天后,芽苞变成了海带般绵长的绿叶,原本干巴巴的一根“光杆儿司令”,如今变成了迎风飘举。More than ten days later, the buds growed into green leaves as long as kelp. The single stick growed into a green faery that dances in the wind.

十几天后,芽苞变成了海带般绵长的绿叶,原本干巴巴的一根“光杆儿司令”,如今变成了迎风飘举的绿衣仙子。More than ten days later, the buds growed into green leaves as long as kelp. The single stick growed into a green faery that dances in the wind.