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未反应单体经汽提后回收。Unreacted monomer is stripped and recycled.

寻找一种第二单体与丙烯酸酯共聚。The acrylate was copolymerized with the second monomer.

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三聚体也能分解成有毒的单体形式。The trimer also breaks down into the toxic monomer form.

氯乙烯单聚物的制造就是这样的一个例子。Manufacture of vinyl chloride monomer is an example of this.

对接枝母体胶料和丙烯酸单体进行了选择。Selection of master rubber and acrylic monomer was described.

单体,优先的原则,单位越来越多的人们接受。Monomer , the principle of priority units more and more it was accepted.

体系中可能存在向单体的链转移反应。Probably there existed certain chain transfer to monomer in this system.

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榄香烯系从中药温莪术挥发油中分离出来的油状物单体。Elemene is a kind of oil monomer extracted from Chinese medicine Curcuma.

同时,对有机硅单体和丙烯酸酯单体也作了介绍。Besides, the silicone monomer and the acrylate monomer were also introduced.

它是聚碳酸脂塑料和环氧树脂生产中的关键单体。It is a key monomer in production of polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins.

然而,AMPS是一种水溶性单体,与大部分油溶性单体不相容。But, AMPS is a water-soluble monomer and it is indissoluble in most oil monomer.

该调节剂是以丙烯酸酯类为单体,采用多段乳液聚合法制得。ZB-530 was prepared by multi-stage emulsion polymerization from acrylics monomer.

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聚合物分子量随着单体浓度的增大而增大,但线性相关性不好。The molecular weight of PGMA does not increase linearly with monomer concentrations.

介绍了彩色油性铸型尼龙的加工应用技术。The processing and applications of colouring oily monomer casting nylon were introduced.

即,单体是一个单体单元,而二聚体是两个单体单元。In condensation polymerization, each monomer unit must have at least two functional groups.

由EDXA测得接枝聚合物分子中甲基丙烯酸甲酯与羧甲基纤维素结构单元之比为3.89。EDXA results indicate that mol ratio of MMA to CMC monomer is 3.89 in the grafted copolymer.

两个或更多单体同时聚合而形成的大分子。Large molecules resulting from the simultaneous polymerisation of two or more monomer units.

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而三元乙丙橡胶已在汽车密封条行业中得到广泛的应用。And ethylene propylene diene monomer has been in the automotive sealing industry, widely used.

考察了单体浓度、发剂浓度、合温度对接枝共聚反应的影响。Effeets of monomer concentration and reaction time on the graft copolymerization were studied.

苯胺单体对人体有害,但聚苯胺的毒性却未见报道。The aniline monomer is bad to people's health, but the toxicity of PANI has not been reported.