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语法是一门很好的训练科目。Grammar is a good gymnastic.

我们盖住所有体操的预备考试和决赛。We cover all Gymnastic prelims and finals.

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他是五环中的黄环,代表田径项目。It represents the green ring and gymnastic sports.

是体操比赛还是杂技表演?。Is it a gymnastic competition or acrobatics display?

哇!你是说那位体操冠军吗?她演的是谁?Wow, you mean that gymnastic champion? Who did she play?

李宁在男子体操比赛中为中国获得第一块金牌。Li ning won the first gold medal in men's gymnastic for china.

地板上为体操运动准备的厚填料。a piece of thick padding up on the floor for gymnastic sports.

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她获得了奥林匹克体操比赛的资格。She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.

在体操比赛中,两支队伍并驾齐驱。In the gymnastic contest, the two teams kept abreast with each other.

我们先从音乐开始讲教育,然后继续接着讲体育,怎么样?Shall we begin education with music, and go on to gymnastic afterwards?

健美操动作具有强烈的节奏性,是通过音乐充分地表现出来。The gymnastic action has strong rhythm and is expressed fully by music.

放学回来,我们的图画和体操老师已在家里恭候多时了。On our return from school our drawing and gymnastic masters would be ready for us.

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了解你的马跳在这个自由安全地在一个体操线马踏视频。Learn to jump your horse safely over a gymnastic line in this free horse riding video.

应用文献资料法、调查访问法对体操必修课程教材改革这一问题进行探讨。Probes into the reform of the teaching materials about the gymnastic required courses.

通过添加从第一个栅栏九英尺,以你的马的体操线反弹。Add a bounce to your horse's gymnastic line by adding a fence nine feet from the first.

请于本室室外参观团体操课程或接听手提电话。Sightseeing and receiving of telephone call will be allowed outside the gymnastic room.

西尔维娅没有上过任何的体操课,但是她长得又高又壮的,很受大家的欢迎。Sylvia didn't have any gymnastic classes but she was tall, strong, and she was popular.

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西尔维娅没有上过任何的体操课,但是她长得又高又壮的,很受大家的欢迎。Sylvia didn’t have any gymnastic classes but she was tall, strong, and she was popular.

体操普修课的考核标准应随时代的发展而变化。The gymnastic testing standard should change according to the development of the times.

为练成完美的体形,她每周做四次健身操。She dose gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest to achieve the perfect body.