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调解纠纷,缓和矛盾。Meaning mediate a dispute and appease conflict.

工具把诗人和世界连接起来。Tools mediate the worker's relation to the world.

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在啤酒酵母中,葡萄糖转运因子调解木糖摄取。In S. cerevisiae glucose transporters mediate xylose uptake.

可书能填补他们父女之间的空白吗?Could they mediate a decade of emptiness between him and her?

政府必须通过调解解决对水资源的争夺。The government must mediate the struggle for water resources.

决定派谴女儿如意公主去李渊府上劝和。Decided to go to the task daughter princess LiYuan round mediate.

这里有通过潮汐相互作用调节适居性的新方式。There are new ways to mediate habitability viatidal interactions.

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在两个交战国之间的调解失败了。Mediate between two countries which were at war was not successful.

您能调解入站或出站的服务、队列及主题空间。You can mediate inbound or outbound services, queues, and topic spaces.

激励计划因此会与改变和响应度相抵触。Incentive plans can therefore mediate against change and responsiveness.

开着摩托车的警察在军队与示威者之间穿梭,进行调解。Police on motorbikes shuttled between troops and demonstrators to mediate.

频繁过多地使用就会对使用者造成内在的危害。Frequent undue consumption tin harmfully mediate with the user's well-being.

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有些孩子则是试图介入争吵,希望调解或站队。Other children attempt to insert themselves and try to mediate or take sides.

五强小组批准了欧洲联盟在利比亚进行调解。The five-strong panel was approved by the European Union to mediate in Libya.

结论紫绀型先天性心脏病心肌侧枝血管形成可能为VEGF所介导。Conclusion The VEGF may be mediate the collateral vessels formation in C, CHD.

首相的愿望是通过调解促成英国人与布尔人之间的和解。The Prime Minister's desire was to mediate peace between the English and the Boers.

这位律师被指定在雇主和工会领导人之间进行调解。The lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders.

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他还需在冲突演变成暴力前,去调解帮派之间的纷争。He is also called to mediate disputes between gangs before the conflicts turn violent.

只是它的作用已仅限于在宗庙之中,协调人神之间的关系了。Its role was limited in ancestral temples to mediate the relation between gods and men.

所以用二者之间的中间色来调和,使空间的整体性更加完整。Mediate so with the demitint between both, make integral sex of the space more complete.