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上图,索马里兰可以眺望到难民营的一个房顶上,男孩们在玩耍。Here, boys play on a roof overlooking a camp in Somaliland.

但这里的索马里没有现代节育手术。But modern contraception doesn't exist in this part of Somaliland.

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德国、法国与非洲的贫困国索马里兰一同排在第47位。Germany and France tied with the poor African state of Somaliland for 47th place.

分离出的索马里兰共和国的城镇男人肩扛着山羊走向小艇上以便出口。Townsmen in the breakaway Republic of Somaliland shoulder goats to a boat for export.

索马里兰1991年宣布独立,但国际上尚未作为一个单独的国家的承认。Somaliland declared independence in 1991, but isn't internationally recognized as a separate state.

19世纪末20世纪初,索马里北部地区曾经是英国的保护国——索马里兰的一部分。The northern region of Somalia was part of the British protectorate of Somaliland in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

索马里兰是个自封的共和国,该国正向沙特阿拉伯出口数百万只绵羊和山羊,作为祭祀贡品。The self-declared republic of Somaliland is exporting millions of sheep and goats to Saudi Arabia for use as sacrificial offerings.

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几年前,沼泽湿地带着她的专业知识回到索马里兰,她的使命是开始挖掘其文化底蕴。Mire's professional journey brought her back to Somaliland a few years ago, where she embarked on a mission to unearth its cultural heritage.

他们中的许多人踏上了一条危险之旅,他们进入了彭特兰和索马里兰的难民营,等待他们的是更为不祥的现实。Many of these refugees embark on a perilous journey that leads to an even more ominous reality in the refugee camps of Puntland and Somaliland.

青年党中带头的圣战者来自北方的索马里兰,他们在阿富汗接受基地组织的训练,这些人试图阻止外国救援进入索马里。The leading jihadists in al-Shabab come from Somaliland in the north, and trained with al-Qaida in Afghanistan. They are the ones trying to keep aid out.

最大的捐助者向摩加迪沙之一是美国,它最近公布了一项“双轨”并举搞索马里兰未被承认国家的政策。One of the largest donors to Mogadishu is the United States, which recently unveiled a "Dual-Track" policy of simultaneously engaging the unrecognized state of Somaliland.

中央银行职员检查最近印刷的索马里兰先令,一种在1994年发行的独立货币,在索马里兰与混乱的索马里南部分裂后仅仅几年就进入了流通。Central-bank staff inspect newly printed Somaliland shillings, an independent currency created in 1994, a few years after Somaliland broke away from chaotic southern Somalia.

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将她的时间经历分为索马里兰和英国之间两个部分,她决心要教育她的索马里同胞了解他们自己国家的历史文化,以及提高世界各地对于索马里文化遗产的认识。Dividing her time between Somaliland and the UK, she is determined to educate her fellow Somalis about their history as well as raise awareness across the world about Somali cultural heritage.