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我知道那样有点杀鸡用牛刀。I know that might seem like overkill.

那就够了,再多一点多余的。That's enough, anymore is just overkill.

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那就够了,再多一点儿也是骈枝的。that's enough, anymore is just overkill.

这对我们项目的需要来说是杀鸡用牛刀。These are overkill for our limited needs.

这様勼够叻,其牠乜昰多余旳。That's enough , any more is just overkill.

这样的安保措施很可能过头了。Such security measures may well be overkill.

仔细想想便会发现,汽车通常都是大材小用。When you think about it, cars are often overkill.

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但是,在实践中,用这样的代码可能太繁琐了。In practice, however, such code is probably overkill.

她的眼睛很漂亮,但是她化的妆太浓了。She has beautiful eyes, but the make-up was overkill.

我们必须支付的错误,而且会适得其反。We have to pay for the mistakes, but also to be overkill.

这一系统运行很好,就是它的话费太贵。That system worked great but it was overkill and expensive.

摩根说,波义耳因为在英国过火可能失去。Morgan said Boyle may have lost because of overkill in Britain.

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但是对于某些应用程序,过多的格线和标杆则具有破坏性。However, for some applications, lots of grids and poles may be overkill.

但总是为点数据使用那种机制就过分了。But always using that mechanism for point data would be complete overkill.

这样就生成了很多类--我认为有点太过分了。This makes for a lot of classes -- something I think is a bit of overkill.

若艺术的创新走向偏执,那无疑是矫枉过正,误入歧途。If the art of innovation goes into paranoia, then it is undoubtedly overkill.

有些人曾经说他花了超过24小时,但是这是很极端的情况。Some people have reported it taking over 24 hours, but this is a little overkill.

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如果担心过度使用这类产品会造成皮肤油腻,可选用无油脂的产品。Make it an oil-free brand if you're worried that overkill will make your skin greasy.

他老是说,“当击败你的敌人的时候,就没有过头这么一说。”He liked to say, "When it comes to besting the enemy, there's no such thing as overkill."

戴几个戒指很正常。但每个手指上都戴戒指,那简直太过了。Wearing a few rings is alright. But wearing rings on every finger is a complete overkill.