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劳驾。Excuse me.

不好意思Excuse me.

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这是一个借口。That is an excuse.

打搅一下,杨林。Excuse me Yang Lin.

没有任何借口。There is no excuse.

请原谅我的粗拙。Excuse my vulgarity.

请原谅我插句话。Excuse me putting in.

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原谅她的坏态度。Excuse her bad manners.

我失陪一会儿!Excuse me for a minute.

当我怒吼的时候,请原谅我。Excuse me while I rant.

写得不好,见笑,见笑。Excuse my poor writing.

我不能相信他的借口。I can't buy his excuse.

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忱是它自己的来由。Zeal is its own excuse.

对不起,全怪我。Excuse me, I'm to blame.

对不起,我可以上车吗?Excuse me. May I get by?

我这里很乱,请原谅。Excuse the mess, please.

他的托辞只是缓兵之计。His excuse is for delay.

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不好意思,那是哪儿?Excuse me, where is that?

请问哪位是赵夫人?Excuse me, which is lady?

失陪了,尽兴享受吧。Excuse me. Enjoy the show.