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还要拥有一个世外桃源。Still have a xanadu.

这里民风淳朴,有“世外桃源”之称。Here folkway is simple, and has the name of xanadu.

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随着优美的华尔兹歌曲的响起,大家仿佛沉浸在一个其乐融融的世外桃源。With a beautiful waltz song, everyone seemed immersed in a kaleidoscope of Xanadu.

倡言重建礼教,整顿风俗,保存华夏文明。He proposed to rebuild ethical education, by neatening customs to save Xanadu civilization.

大理州是白族的主要居住地,大理是金庸和琼瑶笔下的世外桃。Dali Bai, is the main place of residence. Dali is Jin Yong, and Chiung Yao write about Xanadu.

这个世界是否“桃源”的争论经历了一个由否定到肯定的过程。The discussion about whether this world is Xanadu has experienced a process from negation to affirmation.

从杭州火车站驱车不过十几分钟便来到索菲特世外桃源度假酒店。It only takes more than ten minutes to ride from Hangzhou Railway Station to Sofitel Hangzhou Xanadu Resort.

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“桃源”情结是沈从文和读者共有的,是人类对理想家园的追寻和期待。The Xanadu complex is mutual to Shen Congwen and readers, is human's pursuit and expectation to ideal homestead.

法式奢华与江南风情的完美融合,这就是索菲特世外桃源度假酒店。The French luxury and Chinese delicacy combine together to create the Sofitel Hangzhou Xanadu Resort in paradise.

如此闹中取静的“世外桃源”自然是每个常处于暄嚣的都市人最向往居住的一方净土。Such thing "Xanadu" is natural in each regular genial and warm island for most people living in urban side Pure Land.

这种宁静的生活若和当时动荡的社会相对比,简直就是一块脱离滚滚尘寰的“世外桃源”。If such a quiet life and the then relative social instability ratio is simply a billowing out of this world of Xanadu.

50发展一套大型计算机远程教学系统将会提高Xanadu学院的声誉。The development of an extensive computer-based long-distance learning program will enhance the reputation of Xanadu College.

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恐惧小说女作家画笛来到世外桃源地狱谷写作,可看似灵秀的地狱谷,却并非地狱。Horror fiction writer draw flute came xanadu paradise valley writing, but seemingly witty paradise valley, but not the heaven.

所有的客房都融入了崭新的亮点,为人们营造了一处格外赏心悦目的都市“避难所”和一个躲避城市喧闹的现代世外桃源。All the rooms are blended in new luminescent spot, for people to create a place extra concoction of urban sanctuary and an escape city loud modern xanadu.

酒店拥有301间各具特色的客房,其中包括19间套房,62间索菲特会所客房,及湖畔私密别墅与总统套房。Sofitel Hangzhou Xanadu Resort features 301 guestrooms including 19 suites, 62 Club millesime rooms, and private villas and presidential suites beside the lake.

她的妻子画了一幅图,在一个大瀑布旁边盖一个小木屋,两人可以在你那里快乐的生活,两人都很向往那种世外桃源。She's wife painted a picture, in a large waterfall beside the cabin, building a two of them can be where you are happy life, they were very yearning that xanadu.

而且,通过使用计算机程序和录音教学,员工可以减少去教室的次数并有更多的时间从事大规模的科研活动,从而提高Xanadu的声誉。Also, by using computer programs and taped lectures, faculty will have fewer classroom obligations and more time to engage in extensive research, thereby enhancing the reputation of Xanadu.

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他在诗中对中国、上都、忽必烈汗的描写,并不旨在描摹现实,而是借中国题材作为驰骋想象力、渲染异国情调的艺术空间。His description of China, Xanadu and Kubla Khan is not aiming at drawing pictures of real scenes, but using China as an art space to fly the author's imagination and tinge the poem with exoticism.