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广州利运,您专业的优质空气管家。Liyun, your high quality air stewardship.

这就是管理工作和责任制的意义。This is what is meant by stewardship and accountability.

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在表现出如此糟糕的管理能力之后,我们哪还敢提养狗的事儿。After such displays of stewardship we dared not ask for a dog.

它去显示什么坏财宝管理工作可能特好地做。It goes to show what stupendously bad Treasury stewardship can do.

使徒行传还谈论到作见证、作管家和祷告的大能。This book speaks about witnessing, about stewardship and about prayer.

把我们的生活作为祭礼归还给上帝,是一个管家的唯一职责。A life given back to God as an offering is what stewardship is all about.

问问你的老祖母,在她的年代里,爱物惜物和节约简朴都是被珍惜的价值。Ask your grandma. In her day, stewardship and resourcefulness and thrift were valued.

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但是那件事却对政府的宏观调控信誉产生了持久伤害。But the episode did lasting harm to the credibility of its macroeconomic stewardship.

这种模式的环境管理包括再生纸和森林管理。The model for environmental stewardship includes recycled paper and forest management.

仆人和管家是一体的,神要我们在这两方面都值得信赖。Servanthood and stewardship go together, since God expects us to be trustworthy in both.

自然世界的职能在某些宗教传统中代表了一种恩惠。Stewardship of the natural world stands as an obligation of certain religious traditions.

2007年回到国家队管理工作的冈田带领横滨获得了两次冠军。Returned to the stewardship of the national side in 2007 having taken Yokohama to two titles.

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财务监督对于计划参与人、划受益人、及扶轮基金会,代表何种意义?What does financial stewardship mean to project participants, project beneficiaries, and TRF?

他接着说,“因此我们所要做的另一件事就是继续抗生素的管理工作。”He went on, “So the only other thing we can do is continue to work on antibiotic stewardship.”

资阳新厂在节能减排和环境保护方面也堪称典范。Ziyang Greenfield applies the best practices in energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.

一些有影响力的议员也公开表示,他们对拉姆斯菲尔德领导美国军队的工作已失去信心。Influential Congressmen proclaim their loss of confidence in his stewardship of America's armed forces.

另一边,根据公平贸易,农民们能得到社区发展、健康、教育以及环境诸方面的帮助。Fair Trade for coffee farmers means community development, health, education, and environmental stewardship.

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将环境管理丶可持续性生活模式的认知融合到七至十二年级的课程里。To incorporate environmental stewardship and awareness of sustainable living patterns into 7-12 curriculums.

管理组织通常会训练志愿者,并试图确保项目已覆盖所有的重要河段。A stewardship society usually trains volunteers and tries to make sure it has all the critical stretches covered.

美国的艺术博物馆对馆内的艺术作品给予专业精心呵护。Art museums in the United States are dedicated to the professional stewardship of the works of art in their care.